The Galician data of the
Atlas Lingüístico
de la Península Ibérica
The project
The project Variation and change in the Galician and Portuguese language domains in the 20th century has two main purposes.
The first one is the comprehensive reviewing and classification of the materials of the Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica (ALPI) pertaining to the 62 places located in the Galician linguistic domain, with the aim of conducting a comprehensive, thorough description of the geolinguistic diversity of rural varieties spoken in this area in the first half of the 20th century.
The study area was delimited in the ALPI initial plan following the isogloss separating the solutions for Latin stressed Ĕ and Ŏ (dente/diente, fonte/fuente) in the western Peninsula.
The second purpose is to conduct a comparative analysis of the ALPI materials and the data collected for later geolinguistic projects, namely the Atlas Lingüístico Galego [Galician Linguistic Atlas] (ALGa, 1974-1977).
The selection and analysis of the relevant varieties in projects that are almost half a century apart allow us to find out about the language changes that occurred in the speech varieties spoken in Galician rural areas. In this stage, the project focuses on phonetic and lexical features.
The project’s funding is drawn from the R&D knowledge generation funds of the 2017-2022 Spanish plan of scientific research and technological innovation (ERDF/Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities – Statewide Research Agency/ PGC2018-095077-B-C44 Project).