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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- cynegetic, cynical, cynically, cynicism, cypress, Cyprus, Cyrillic, cystic, cytology, Czech, Czechoslovak, Czechoslovakia, dabble, dad, dadaist, daddy, daffodil, daft, dagger


- noun or adjective
- checo

EN Faced with cutbacks, DW is ending its programmes in Japanese and Spanish, and is in the process of closing several other language services, including Czech, Slovak and Hungarian, judging that the countries where these languages are spoken are now "established democracies with a great variety of media available".
GL Para facer fronte ás reduccións orzamentarias, a DW suprimiu os seus programas en español e en xaponés. Na actualidade están para pecharse outros servicios en linguas estranxeiras, como checo, eslovaco ou húngaro, por estimarse que os países en que se falan estes idiomas son agora "democracias consolidadas cunha gran diversidade de medios de información".
- Fonte: C23 (1324)
.....--- Czech Republic
- República Checa

EN Since then, the KARAT Coalition has brought together 10 associations (from Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine and Hungary) and holds regular conferences.
GL Desde entón, a coalición KARAT agrupa dez asociacións de Albania, Bulgaria, a República Checa, Eslovaquia, Hungría, Macedonia, Polonia, Rusia, Romanía e Ucraína, e organiza encontros regularmente.
- Fonte: C19 (293)