EN This island nation of 3.8 million people had gone through a serious economic crisis in the early 1980s that had left the country close to bankruptcy.
GL Este país estivo no principio dos oitenta ó bordo da bancarrota.
Fonte: C27 (425)
EN Her struggle echoes that of many of the country's 300-odd judges trying to come to grips with new laws and codes (including a civil, tax code and criminal code) governing entirely novel fields of expertise: leasing and selling buildings, franchising, property rights, private business, bankruptcy, banking, customs and organized crime.
GL Coma os máis de trescentos xuíces de Kirguistán, esta xuíza procura aplicar leis e códigos recentes (civil, tributario e penal) en campos totalmente novos da actividade xurídica: arrendamento e venda de edificios, concesión de franquías, dereito de propiedade, actividade comercial privada, crebas, banca, aduanas e criminalidade organizada.
Fonte: C32 (125)