EN He sprang upon Buck, and twice his teeth sank into his unresisting foe and ripped and tore the flesh to the bone.
GL Saltou sobre o indefenso can e espetoulle os colmillos dúas veces no lombo, esgazándolle a carne ata o óso.
Fonte: CHA (487)
EN These are sacred places which strangers are not allowed to visit, but where Dogon children frolic happily, playing with human skulls and bones, and dressing up for fun in dance costumes stored in the centuries-old caverns.
GL Son lugares sagrados que os estranxeiros non visitan, pero os nenos dogon adoitan xogar alí apalpando caveiras e osamentas e disfrazándose cos traxes tradicionais que gardan os celeiros centenarios.
Fonte: C15 (1262)
EN But many curators have come to agree that Indians have a right to recover their sacred artefacts and the bones of those they can legitimately claim as ancestors.
GL Pero moitos conservadores admiten que os indios teñen dereito a recupera-los seus obxectos sagrados e os esqueletos daqueles a quen lexitimamente poden considera-los seus devanceiros.
Fonte: C26 (434)