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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- brilliance, brilliancy, brilliant, brilliantly, brim, brimmed, brimming, brimstone, brine, bring, brink, briny, brisk, briskly, bristle, bristling, bristly, Brit, Britain


- transitive verb
- PAST: brought. PART: brought
- traer

EN They diligently brought water to the tank every day, and for every bucket they brought the capitalists paid them a penny.
GL Tódolos días traían auga ó tanque dilixentemente, e por cada caldeiro que levaban os capitalistas pagábanlles un penique.
- Fonte: TAN (44)
- levar

EN Then I started walking up the stairs to the principal's office so I could give the note to somebody that would bring it to her in her classroom.
GL Logo fun á oficina do conserxe a deixarlle a nota a ver se alguén lla podía levar á clase.
- Fonte: VIX (6561)
- coller

EN The man smiled grimly, and brought a hatchet and a club.
GL O home limitouse a acenar un sorriso e colleu un garrote e unha machada.
- Fonte: CHA (106)
- provocar

EN This last piece of shop brought sniggers from the choir, who perched like black birds on the criss-cross trunks and examined Ralph with interest.
GL Esta anécdota provocou unha risa abafada nos compoñentes do coro, que, pousados como paxaros negros nos troncos cruzados, examinaban a Ralph con interese.
- Fonte: SEN (308)
- conducir

EN Hydrologists and civil engineers used to have a standard response to water scarcity: build more dams, desalinization plants and even pipelines to bring water from humid to dry areas.
GL Construír máis presas, desaliniza-la auga, mesmo conducila das zonas húmidas ás secas foron algunhas das solucións estándar preconizadas por hidrólogos e enxeñeiros.
- Fonte: C04 (8)
.....--- to bring down
- derrubar

EN There was something, it seemed to him, that the wrong word would bring down on his head, something that would so at least ease off his tension.
GL Había algo, parecíalle, que a palabra equivocada podía derrubar sobre a súa cabeza, algo que polo menos deste modo poría fin á súa intriga.
- Fonte: BES (484)
.....--- to bring into
- introducir

EN "And if your Honor," concluded this excellent, but somewhat prosy old gentleman, "shall see fit to persist in bringing these mercenary sworders and musketeers into our quiet streets, not on our heads be the responsibility".
GL --E se a súa Señoría --concluíu este excelente pero algo prosaico vello cabaleiro--, decide persistir en introducir estes espadachíns e fusileiros mercenarios nas nosas tranquilas rúas, que non recaia sobre as nosas cabezas a responsabilidade.
- Fonte: EDW (93)
.....--- to bring to an end
- chegar a unha conclusión

EN "By parity of reasoning," returned the Captain gently, "it would never be worth while to begin any inquiry of importance; the odds are always overwhelming that we must die before we shall have brought it to an end".
GL --Segundo ese mesmo razoamento -replicou o Capitán cortesmente-, nunca pagaría a pena comezarmos calquera pescuda de importancia, posto que, a probabilidade de morrer antes de chegar a unhas conclusións é máxima.
- Fonte: FAB (87)
.....--- to bring forward
- achegar

EN It has been objected to Kant by some critics in this country, that his doctrines are in some instances reproductions only of doctrines brought forward by other philosophers.
GL Téñenlle obxectado a Kant algúns críticos deste país que as súas doutrinas son, nalgúns casos só doutrinas achegadas por outros filósofos.
- Fonte: LET (667)
- propoñer

EN (...) having attributed three very considerable advantages to the German as compared with the French; I brought forward, in conclusion, as an advantage more conspicuous even than any I had before insisted on, the great originality and boldness of speculation which have distinguished the philosophic researches of Germany for the last one hundred and fifty years.
GL (...) tendo atribuído tres moi considerables vantaxes á lingua alemana comparada co francés, propuxen en conclusión, como unha vantaxe máis conspicua aínda que calquera na que insistira antes, a grande orixinalidade e ousadía de especulación que ten distinguido as investigacións filosóficas de Alemaña durante os últimos cento cincuenta anos.
- Fonte: LET (545)
.....--- to bring back
- devolver

EN The pride of that dim image brought back to his mind the dignity of the office he had refused.
GL A altiveza de imaxe tan fonda devolveu á súa mente a dignidade do oficio que rexeitara.
- Fonte: RET (3271)
.....--- to bring round
- acordar

EN A little rubbing of the limbs soon brought her round, and I had the satisfaction of seeing she was all right before I left her.
GL Tras fretar un pouco as súas extremidades acordou, e con satisfacción comprobei que estaba ben antes de deixala.
- Fonte: TEM (937)
.....--- to bring up
- educar

EN "Luckless prince that I am!" said he, "to have been brought up in seclusion under the eye of a philosopher!".
GL --Malfadado príncipe que eu son --exclamou--, sendo educado no illamento baixo a garda dun filósofo!
- Fonte: ALH (668)