EN This going to the Lighthouse was a passion of his, she saw, and then, as if her husband had not said enough, with his caustic saying that it would not be fine tomorrow, this odious little man went and rubbed it in all over again.
GL A excursión ó faro era unha das súas paixóns, decatábase ela, e logo, por se fose pouco o que dixera o seu home, co seu acedo comentario de que non ía ir bo tempo mañá, ese homiño noxento viña remexer todo o asunto outra vez.
Fonte: CAR (139)
EN Otpor became famous because of its favourite weapon: caustic slogans spray-painted on the walls of Serbia's cities.
GL Otpor fíxose famoso pola súa arma favorita: as consignas lapidarias pintadas nos muros das grandes cidades de Serbia.
Fonte: C07 (1124)