sen cemento
EN His walls of massive cementless granite keep out heat and cold and wet, and are clean and lasting without requiring repair; the rafters of thick chestnut beams are also solid and lasting, and the Galician peasant prefers to have no chimney, in order to season and harden the woodwork like smoked pilongas.
GL As paredes das casas feitas de grandes bloques de pedra sen cemento manteñen fóra a calor, a humidade e o frío, son resistentes e limpas e non necesitan reparacións; os teitos de grosas trabes de castaño son tamén sólidos e durareiros e o campesiño prefire non ter cheminea, para acondicionar e endurece-las madeiras coma se fosen castañas maias.
Fonte: GAL (121)