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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- criminally, criminologist, criminology, crimp, crimson, cringe, crinkle, crinoline, cripple, crisis, crisp, crisply, criterion, critic, critical, critically, criticism, criticize, critique


- noun
- Pl: crises
- crise

EN Discussed world politics and the Government of India and our own troubles with the financial situation and the Wall Street crisis.
GL Falamos de política, do goberno de India, dos nosos problemas por mor da situación financeira e da crise de Wall Street.
- Fonte: ASA (1934)