EN Thirty kilomètres to the south-east of Lugo the little town of Sarriá stands white and grey on its hill, a long, curving, cobbled street with a church and chapel and, above, the fine tower of an old crumbling castle, and a little beyond a pleasant granite convent, where rosy-cheeked, white-robed Mercedarios walk amid their well-tended garden plots crowded with flowers.
GL Trinta quilómetros ó sueste de Lugo a pequena vila de Sarria érguese branca e gris nun outeiro; hai unha rúa longa, de lastros, chea de voltas, e na cima a alta torre dun castelo derrubado; un pouquiño máis alá, un convento de pedra onde os Mercedarios de fazulas rosadas e brancas vestiduras pasean entre os xardíns ben trazados e cheos de flores.
Fonte: GAL (442)