amable, · amábel
EN Judging the turn in her mood correctly -- that she was friendly to him now -- he was relieved of his egotism, and told her how he had been thrown out of a boat when he was a baby.
GL Interpretando o seu cambio de humor correctamente -- agora era amable con el -- sentiuse aliviado do seu egotismo, e contoulle como o chimparan fóra dunha barca cando era un neno.
Fonte: CAR (1405)
amigable, · amigábel
EN A friendly tavern-keeper who had gone to buy wine at Orense offered a lift and shelter from the rain in his light covered cart, which he had himself made.
GL Un taberneiro moi amigable, que fora mercar viño a Ourense, ofreceuse para levarme e protexerme da chuvia no seu carro cuberto que el mesmo fixera.
Fonte: GAL (1116)
EN His warm frank handclasp was the most friendly act that Martins had encountered in Vienna.
GL O seu quente apretón de mans foi o sinal máis amistoso desde que Martins pisara Viena.
Fonte: TER (977)
EN He was friendly, in a treacherous sort of way, smiling into one's face the while he meditated some underhand trick.
GL Parecía cordial, pero era falso; sorría agradablemente ó tempo que argallaba falcatruadas.
Fonte: CHA (177)
EN Amid jokes and friendly chat in a convivial atmosphere, sensitive and serious subjects are raised quite easily.
GL No medio de bromas e comentarios xocosos, nunha atmosfera de camaradería e confidencialidade, discútense temas delicados e profundos coma se non o fosen.
Fonte: C23 (1152)