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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- fruit-tree, fruity, frustrate, frustrated, frustrating, fry, frying, fuck, fucking, fuel, fugitive, fulcrum, fulfil, fulfilling, fulfillment, full, fullness, full-time, fully


- noun
- combustible

EN Starting perhaps a hundred feet below them on the steeper side of the mountain, the patch might have been designed expressly for fuel.
GL O retallo de selva comezaba quizais a uns trinta metros por baixo deles, na aba máis ladeira da montaña, e parecía feito á mantenta para servir de combustible.
- Fonte: SEN (1001)
- leña

EN Simmering tensions over disputed borders added fuel to the fire surrounding Namibia's plan to divert part of the Okavango River, which originates in Angola before carving the border with Namibia and then snaking into Botswana to feed the "jewel of the Kalahari".
GL As tensións latentes debidas a litixios fronteirizos foron como leña na fogueira que representaban o plan de Namibia de desviar parte do Okavango, o terceiro río máis grande de África, que nace en Angola, traza a fronteira con Namibia e logo serpea por Botswana para alimenta-la "xoia do Kalahari".
- Fonte: C28 (621)
- carburante

EN This may turn out to be a goldmine, since scientists expect to make some phenomenal breakthroughs in biotechnology, research on combustible and renewable fuels, pharmaceuticals and the development of metal alloys of unprecedented strength.
GL Os científicos esperan avances espectaculares en diversos ámbitos: biotecnoloxía, investigacións sobre os combustibles e os carburantes renovables, productos farmacéuticos; aliaxes metálicas dunha resistencia sen precedentes.
- Fonte: C29 (846)

- transitive verb
- fomentar

EN The climate of insecurity that often prevails in them, the remote prospects of settling permanently in a wealthier country, the international community's indifference and even disengagement, in contrast, for example, to what happened in Kosovo and East Timor, fuel the flames of revenge.
GL O clima de inseguridade que a miúdo reina, a imposibilidade de toda perspectiva de instalación definitiva nun país de acollida máis rico, o desinterese e incluso a indiferencia da comunidade internacional, contrariamente á súa actitude de Kosovo ou Timor Oriental, fomentan o afán de a vinganza
- Fonte: C05 (419)