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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- gluttonous, gluttony, glyphosate, GMO, gnarled, gnat, gnaw, gnome, GNP, go, goad, go-ahead, goal, goalmouth, goalpost, goat, goatee, go-between, goblet


- transitive verb
.....--- to go through
- atravesar

EN She went through the line of brush when the moon was covered, and when it looked through she saw the glimmer of the great pearl in the path behind the rock.
GL Atravesou a sebe cando a lúa se ocultou, e cando volveu a aparecer viu o brillo da gran perla no camiño detrás da pedra.
- Fonte: PER (1056)
- pasar por

EN She did not like it that Jasper should shoot birds; but it was only a stage; they all went through stages.
GL Non lle agradaba que Jasper matase paxaros; pero estaba no tempo, todos pasan por esas etapas.
- Fonte: CAR (771)
- revisar

EN And, even without any view to a formal study of the transcendental philosophy, great enlargement would be given to the understanding, by going through a Kantean dictionary, well explained, and well illustrated.
GL E, mesmo sen vistas a un estudio formal da filosofía transcendental, daríaselle unha grande ampliación ó entendemento revisando un diccionario kantiano, ben explicado e ben ilustrado.
- Fonte: LET (628)
.....--- to go past
- pasar por diante de

EN Lily went past Mr Carmichael holding her brush to the edge of the lawn.
GL Lily pasou por diante do señor Carmichael levando o pincel na man e foi ata o lindeiro do prado.
- Fonte: CAR (3276)

- intransitive verb
- ir

EN He would go straight to Mrs Ramsay, because he felt somehow that she was the person who had made him do it.
GL Iría dereito xunta a señora Ramsay porque dalgún xeito intuíu que fora ela quen llo fixera levar a cabo.
- Fonte: CAR (1141)
- marchar

EN I wouldn't go away from here without having seen that old castle.
GL Non marcharía de aquí sen ve-lo tal castelo.
- Fonte: DAI (238)
- chegar

EN My plan was to go as far as possible that night, and then, building a fire, to sleep in the protection of its glare.
GL O meu plano era chegar tan lonxe como me fose posible durante aquela noite e, entón, prendería unha fogueira para durmir ó abeiro da súa luz.
- Fonte: TEM (1529)
- pasar

EN They had nothing to say, but something seemed, nevertheless, to go from him to her.
GL Non tiñan nada que dicir, pero, así e todo, algo semellaba pasar del a ela.
- Fonte: CAR (1845)
- quedar

EN I should think she'd rather go indoors.
GL Pensaba que prefería quedar na casa.
- Fonte: DAI (552)
.....--- to go across
- cruzar

EN Presently a granite bridle-path goes across towards Lage through a splendid country of moor and pines, with a dozen tors of poised blocks of granite, purple and sheer, looking twice their real height against the clear turquoise sky.
GL Un pouco máis alá un camiño de ferradura vai cruzando cara a Laxe a través dunha espléndida paisaxe de breixos, piñeiros e unha ducia de cotos con elegantes penedos ergueitos contra o ceo azul turquesa que semellan te-lo dobre da súa altura.
- Fonte: GAL (809)
.....--- to go away
- liscar

EN And I was outside the shelter by myself in the dark and the twisty things had gone away.
GL E estaba soíño fóra das cabanas e esas cousas retortas xa liscaran.
- Fonte: SEN (2402)
.....--- to go back
- volver

EN It would be best now, I think, if you were to go back to your post.
GL E agora, creo que o mellor sería que volvese ó seu posto.
- Fonte: ASA (1136)
.....--- to go by
- pasar

EN Horned toads watched the family go by and turned their little pivoting dragon heads.
GL Os lagartos cornudos ollaban pasa-la familia e retorcían as súas pequenas cabezas xiratorias de dragón.
- Fonte: PER (1379)
.....--- to go down
- baixar

EN So she must go down and begin dinner and wait.
GL Daquela debería baixar, deixar que principiase a cea e agardar.
- Fonte: CAR (1207)
.....--- to go in
- entrar

EN I don't wish to go in, and I don't intend to.
GL Non desexo entrar e non teño ningunha intención de facelo.
- Fonte: ESP (827)
.....--- to go off
- saír

EN And Minta walked on ahead, and presumably Paul met her and she went off with Paul in the garden.
GL E Minta seguía camiñando en cabeza, presumiblemente Paul se ía atopar con ela, e logo sairían ó xardín.
- Fonte: CAR (2717)
- marchar

EN Without saying a word, the only token of her errand a basket on her arm, she went off to the town, to the poor, to sit in some stuffy little bedroom.
GL Sen dicir unha palabra, sendo un queipo que levaba no brazo o único sinal da súa ocupación, marchaba á vila, onda os pobres, a sentar nun cuarto pequeno e mal ventilado.
- Fonte: CAR (3150)
.....--- to go on
- seguir

EN Anyhow, said Lily, tossing off her little insincerity, she would always go on painting, because it interested her.
GL De calquera xeito, dixo Lily, desfacéndose da súa lixeira insinceridade, ela quería seguir pintando porque lle interesaba.
- Fonte: CAR (1049)
- continuar

EN They both felt uncomfortable, as if they did not know whether to go on or go back.
GL Ámbolos dous se sentiron incómodos, coma se non soubesen se continuar ou se deixalo.
- Fonte: CAR (953)
.....--- to go out
- saír

EN The girl came back, making signs to him to be quick and go out quietly by the back.
GL A rapaza volveu acenándolle para que se dese présa e saíse pola parte de atrás caladamente.
- Fonte: RET (3455)
- apagarse

EN Then the light burned my fingers and fell out of my hand, going out as it dropped, and when I had lit another the little monster had disappeared.
GL Entón, o misto queimoume os dedos e caeume da man, apagándose mentres caía; e, cando acendín outro, o pequeno monstro desaparecera.
- Fonte: TEM (1042)
.....--- to go up
- subir

EN "When they go up," he said, "we will slip away, down to the lowlands again".
GL Cando eles suban -dixo-, nós baixaremos outra vez á chaira.
- Fonte: PER (1470)