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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- hangover, hanky, Hannibal, Hanover, haphazard, hapless, happen, happening, happily, happiness, happy, harangue, harass, harassed, harassment, harbinger, harbour, hard, hardback


- noun
- felicidade

EN And smiling she looked out of the window and said (thinking to herself, Nothing on earth can equal this happiness).
GL E sorrindo mirou pola ventá e dixo (pensando para si: nada no mundo se pode comparar con esta felicidade).
- Fonte: CAR (1938)
- ledicia

EN The picture I have of him on my files is an excellent one: he is caught by a street photographer with his stocky legs apart, big shoulders a little hunched, a belly that has known too much good food for too long, on his face a look of cheerful rascality, a geniality, a recognition that his happiness will make the world's day.
GL A foto que eu teño nos arquivos é excelente: un fotógrafo ambulante retratouno coas pernas firmes e separadas, algo cargado de ombros, cunha barriga que mimara por moito tempo e no rostro unha expresión de leda picardía, un tipo xenial, sabedor de que a súa ledicia era o mellor que lle podía ocorrer ao mundo.
- Fonte: TER (2046)
- dita

EN It is a charm which draws two beings together, and unites them by delicious sympathies, making it happiness to be with each other, but misery to be apart.
GL El é un engado que atrae dous seres e os xunta por deliciosa simpatía facendo a dita, de estaren en compañía, e a desgracia cando están afastados.
- Fonte: ALH (455)
- alegría

EN The simple statement, unbacked by any proof but the weight of Ralph's new authority, brought light and happiness.
GL A simple afirmación, sen apoio de ningunha proba pero co peso da nova autoridade de Ralph, achegoulles luz e alegría.
- Fonte: SEN (944)