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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- holocaust, holster, holy, homage, home, homecoming, homeland, homeless, homelike, homely, home-made, homemaker, Homer, homesick, homespun, homestead, hometown, homeward, homework


- adjective
- ordinario

EN If we could have looked out through the eyes of these dreamers, we should have seen their tidy little wooden house disappear, and two-story brick with a cast-iron fence in front of it take its place; we should have seen a three-globed gas-chandelier grow down from the parlor ceiling; we should have seen the homely rag carpet turn to noble Brussels, a dollar and a half a yard; we should have seen the plebeian fireplace vanish away and a recherch'e, big base-burner with isinglass windows take position and spread awe around.
GL Se puidesemos mirar a través dos seus ollos veriamos desaparece-la súa limpa casiña de madeira e unha construcción de ladrillo de dous pisos, cun valado de ferro fundido diante dela, ocupa-lo seu lugar; veriamos unha araña de gas de tres esferas pendurada do teito do salón; veriamos tamén a ordinaria alfombra de farrapos converterse nunha nobre moqueta de Bruxelas de a dólar e medio o metro; teriamos podido ver, ademais, desaparece-la vulgar cheminea e como un forno automático de carbón grande e rebuscado, con ventás de mica branca, ocupaba o seu posto e difundía ó seu redor un temor reverencial.
- Fonte: LEG (312)