EN It left a great void in him, somewhat akin to hunger, but a void which ached and ached, and which food could not fill.
GL Sentía no seu interior un vacío inmenso, algo semellante á fame, un vacío que doía e que ningún alimento podería mitigar.
Fonte: CHA (1629)
EN This brought him close, and his pace, was slow, so that --and all the more as there was a kind of hunger in his look-- the two men were for a minute directly confronted.
GL Achegábase a el e o seu paso era lento, de modo que --e, sobre todo, porque había unha especie de avidez no seu ollar-- os dous homes se enfrontaron directamente durante un instante.
Fonte: BES (848)
intransitive verb
pasar fame
EN Soon there was no longer any thirst in the land, and no one who hungered, or was naked, or cold, or suffered any manner of want.
GL Pronto deixou de haber sede naquela terra, nin houbo ninguén que pasase fame, ou que estivese espido, ou que pasase frío, ou que sufrise calquera tipo de carencia.
Fonte: TAN (123)