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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- lira, Lisbon, lisp, list, listen, listener, listless, listlessly, listlessness, litany, literacy, literal, literally, literary, literate, literature, lithe, lithium, lithography


- noun
- ladaíña

EN Many of them have an outer shed at the side, only partly roofed, from which stone stairs go up to the kitchen and other rooms, and where some probiño (little poor man) with his lazarillo, bound perhaps on the pilgrimage of Guadalupe at Rianjo, may receive a night's rest in the straw and watch the stars as he lies under the tiled part of the roof, and is given a little earthenware porringer of hot maize soup, and mutters a prayer as he hears above the voices of the farm people in the wailing, long-drawn-out evening litany --the rosario prayed for the blessed souls.
GL Moitas das casas teñen un alpendre a un lado, só en parte teitado, dende o cal unhas escaleiras de pedra soben á cociña e ós outros cuartos, e onde quizais algún probiño co rapaz que o acompaña, de peregrinaxe á Virxe de Guadalupe en Rianxo, poidan recibir unha noite de abeiro na palla e enxergaren as estrelas mentres están deitados debaixo do cuberto, e tamén unha cunca de sopa de millo quente para despois murmuraren unha oración mentres oen as voces da xente da casa que repiten unha ladaíña tristeira que dura toda a noite: o rosario rezado polas benditas ánimas.
- Fonte: GAL (499)