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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- locomotive, locust, locust-tree, lodge, lodger, lodging, loess, loft, lofty, log, loggerhead, logging, logic, logical, logically, logistic, logistical, logistics, logo


- noun
- tronco

EN First there was the log on which he himself sat; a dead tree that must have been quite exceptionally big for the platform.
GL En primeiro plano había un tronco onde Ralph sentaba: unha árbore morta que quizais fose demasiado grande para a plataforma.
- Fonte: SEN (2110)
- acha

EN Other pagan beliefs centre in the summer and winter solstices: on St. John's Eve (when fires burn along the hills, herbs of special value are gathered and those possessed by evil spirits must bathe in nine successive waves on the shore of Redondela or the Playa de la Lanzada on the Ría de Arosa) and at Christmas, when the yule log (tizón) is burnt.
GL Outras crenzas pagás céntranse nos solsticios de inverno e de verán: na noite de San Xoán, cando o lume alapea nos outeiros, xúntanse herbas de propiedades especiais, e aqueles posuídos por malos espíritos deben bañarse en nove ondas sucesivas na beiramar de Redondela ou na praia da Lanzada na ría da Arousa; en decembro arde a acha do Nadal.
- Fonte: GAL (138)
- toro

EN Seeing there was no immediate likelihood of a pause, Jack rose from the log that was his throne and sauntered to the edge of the grass.
GL Vendo que polo momento non podería haber unha pausa, Jack ergueuse do toro que lle servira de trono e deu un paseo ata o bordo o herba.
- Fonte: SEN (4501)

- transitive verb
.....--- to log on
- conectar

EN Some sites place spying devices, or "cookies", on your computer's hard drive the moment you log on to them, so they can tell which pages of the site you have looked at, when you looked, and for how long.
GL En efecto, algúns servidores inscriben marcas "espías" no disco duro doutra persoa cando esta se conecta co seu sitio. Estas cookies permítenlles saber qué páxinas consultou esa persoa, cándo e cánto tempo.
- Fonte: C17 (1168)