EN Finally (which to me is far the gloomiest part of the picture) he neither will consent to believe that any man of his own age (at least of his own country) can teach him anything --professing all his obligations to those who are dead, or else to some rusty old German; nor finally will he consent to teach others, with the simple-minded magnanimity of a scholar, who should not seek to mystify and perplex his pupil; or to illuminate only with half-lights: nor put himself on his guard against his reader, as against a person seeking to grow as knowing as himself.
GL Finalmente (o que para min é a parte máis escura do retrato), nunca consentiría en crer que calquera home da súa idade (polo menos do seu país) puidese ensinarlle algo -profesando tódalas súas obrigas ós que están mortos, ou senón a algún ferruxento vello alemán-; nin finalmente consentiría en ensinarlles a outros, coa sinxela magnanimidade dun estudioso, que non buscaría enganar ou confundir ó seu pupilo, ou alumear só con medias luces, nin poñerse en garda contra o lector, coma unha persoa que busca crecer coñecéndose a si mesma.
Fonte: LET (71)