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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- marketable, marketeer, marketing, marketplace, market-woman, maroon, marquis, marriage, married, marrow, marry, Mars, Marseille, marsh, marshal, marshland, marshy, martial, Martian


- noun
- medula

EN But he burned his thumb, and, to ease the pain, put it between his teeth, and gnawed the skin to the flesh, the flesh to the hone, the bone to the marrow.
GL Pero queimou o polgar e, para alivia-la dor, púxoo entre os dentes e roeu a pel ata a carne, a carne ata o óso e o óso ata a medula.
- Fonte: BIR (80)
- miolo

EN Finally for an attitude towards herself which no woman could fail to feel or to find agreeable, something trustful, childlike, reverential; which an old woman could take from a young man without loss of dignity, and woe betide the girl --pray Heaven it was none of her daughters!-- who did not feel the worth of it, and all that it implied, to the marrow of her bones.
GL Finalmente por aquela actitude con ela que ningunha muller podía deixar de sentir ou de atopar agradable, un chisco confiada, infantil, reverencial; algo que unha muller de idade madura podía recibir dun rapaz novo sen perda da súa dignidade, e pobre da rapaza (¡e queira o ceo que non fose ningunha das súas fillas!) que non sentise o seu valor, e todo o que iso implicaba, no miolo dos ósos.
- Fonte: CAR (29)