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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- masculinity, mash, mask, masked, masochist, mason, masonry, masquerade, mass, massacre, massage, massive, massively, mass-produced, mast, master, masterful, masterfully, mastermind


- noun
- masacre

EN And as for Hutchinson, when, far over the ocean, his dying hour drew on, he gasped for breath, and complained that he was choking with the blood of the Boston Massacre; and Francis Lincoln, the former Captain of Castle William, who was standing at his bedside, perceived a likeness in his frenzied look to that of Edward Randolph.
GL E respecto a Hutchinson, cando, lonxe, alén do oceano, a súa hora mortal se produciu, alasaba e lamentábase de que estaba a afogar co sangue do masacre de Boston; e Francis Lincoln, o antigo capitán do Castelo William, que estaba na cabeceira da súa cama, advertiu unha semellanza na súa mirada frenética coa de Edward Randolph.
- Fonte: EDW (151)
- matanza

EN Victor's first production, A Taste of Evil, tells the story of a family that fled from the countryside when they heard rumours of massacres.
GL O primeiro vídeo de Víctor Manuel, Probando Maldad, conta a historia dunha familia que foxe do campo ante os rumores de matanzas selectivas.
- Fonte: C10 (1073)