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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- maturity, Maundy, Mauritian, Mauritius, mausoleum, mauve, maverick, maxim, maximize, maximum, may, May, Mayan, maybe, mayhem, mayor, mayoralty, maze, me


- noun or adjective
- máximo

EN "Do we want large-scale extraction of groundwater for maximum benefit of the present generation or limited extraction that ensures sustainable development and conservation of the resource base?"
GL ¿Queremos unha extracción a grande escala de auga subterránea para o máximo beneficio da xeración actual ou unha extracción limitada que garanta a conservación dese recurso?"
- Fonte: C19 (686)
- límite

EN Rado has no chance of that happening because he's older than eight, the maximum age for adoption.
GL Rado non terá esa sorte, pois a idade límite da adopción é oito anos.
- Fonte: C29 (735)