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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- May, Mayan, maybe, mayhem, mayor, mayoralty, maze, me, meadow, meagre, meal, mean, meander, meaning, meaningful, meaningless, meanness, means, meantime


- meager

- adjective
- pobre

EN They looked at each other as with the feeling of an occasion missed; the present would have been so much better if the other, in the far distance, in the foreign land, hadn't been so stupidly meagre.
GL Miráronse coa sensación de teren perdido unha oportunidade; a presente sería moito mellor se a outra, na distancia remota, na terra estranxeira, non fose tan estupidamente pobre.
- Fonte: BES (39)
- escaso

EN What's more, the social context leaves little time for the clash of ideas and provides meagre access to sources of information outside television and radio.
GL Ademais, unha realidade social que deixa pouco tempo para confrontar ideas e escasas posibilidades de acceder a outras fontes de información que non sexan a radio ou a televisión.
- Fonte: C02 (963)
- precario

EN In addition, if we become capable of producing substances tasting like, vanilla or cocoa from plants which can stand up to the climates of the northern hemisphere, farmers in poverty-stricken countries may lose their meagre source of income.
GL Por outra banda, se é que se chega a producir substancias con sabor análogo á vainilla ou ó cacao mediante plantas que toleran o clima do hemisferio Norte, aparece o risco de privar a países cunha situación economicamente precaria das súas escasas fontes de divisas.
- Fonte: C17 (755)