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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- Nepali, nephew, nepotism, Neptune, nerve, nerve-centre, nervous, nervously, nervousness, nest, nestle, net, nether, Netherlands, nethermost, netizen, nettle, network, neural


- noun
- niño

EN The first acquaintance he formed was with a hawk, who built his nest in a crevice of the lofty battlements, whence he soared far and wide in quest of prey.
GL O primeiro coñecemento que fixo foi o dun falcón que construíra o seu niño nunha fenda das ameas do tellado, de onde osmaba cara a xalundes en procura da presa.
- Fonte: ALH (374)
- cabouco

EN He became more morose and irritable, and when camp was pitched at once made his nest, where his driver fed him.
GL Tornárase afusquinado e irritable, e nada máis acampar xa se metía no seu cabouco e había que levarlle alí a comida.
- Fonte: CHA (783)
- tobo

EN No matter how breathless the air when he dug his nest by tree or bank, the wind that later blew inevitably found him to leeward, sheltered and snug.
GL Aínda que só se movese unha lene brisa ó cava-lo tobo ó pé dunha árbore ou nun banco de neve, o vento que máis tarde sopraba pillábao sempre ben acochado e protexido.
- Fonte: CHA (354)

- intransitive verb
- aniñar

EN The long line of little gray, weather-beaten houses nestled peacefully among the orange trees.
GL A extensa ringleira de casiñas grises, deterioradas pola intemperie, aniñaba paz entre as laranxeiras.
- Fonte: ESP (966)