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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- stubborn, stubbornly, stucco, stuck, stud, student, studio, studious, study, stuff, stuffy, stumble, stumbling-block, stump, stun, stunned, stunning, stunt, stunted


- noun
- cousa

EN They said you got stinking stuff to drink when you were in the infirmary.
GL Dicían que na enfermería facían beber cousas dun cheiro que non se aturaba.
- Fonte: RET (546)

- transitive verb
- encher

EN All this would have to be dished up for the young men at Cardiff next month, he thought; here, on his terrace, he was merely foraging and picnicking (he threw away the leaf that he had picked so peevishly) like a man who reaches from his horse to pick a bunch of roses, or stuffs his pockets with nuts as he ambles at his ease through the lanes and fields of a country known to him from boyhood.
GL Todo isto o había amañar para o menú dos rapaces de Cardiff o mes seguinte, pensou; aquí na terraza limitábase a procurar forraxe e a merendar (guindou a folla que arrincara con anoxo) coma un xinete que escolle un ramallete de rosas desde o cabalo, ou que enche os petos de noces mentres deambula pousadamente polos carreiros e polo campo dunha rexión que coñece desde neno.
- Fonte: CAR (539)