intransitive verb
EN There was James wide awake and Cam sitting bolt upright, and Mildred out of bed in her bare feet, and it was almost eleven and they were all talking.
GL James estaba completamente esperto, Cam sentada moi ergueita no leito, e Mildred fóra da cama cos pés descalzos, e xa eran preto das once e todos estaban a falar.
Fonte: CAR (1765)
EN They sat in the library after dinner and read the evening papers together under the droplight; while the younger people went into the drawing-room near by and talked.
GL Despois de cear, ámbolos dous sentaron na biblioteca, á luz da lámpada, para leren xuntos os xornais da tarde, mentres que os máis novos pasaban ó salón contiguo para conversar.
Fonte: ESP (2068)
transitive verb
EN He comes in from his books and finds us all playing games and talking nonsense.
GL Sae dos seus libros e atópanos a todos a xogar e a dicir parvadas.
Fonte: CAR (557)
EN 'It must have been fifteen --no, twenty years ago-- that I last saw her,' she was saying, turning back to him again as if she could not lose a moment of their talk, for she was absorbed by what they were saying.
GL Debe de haber quince... non, vinte anos, que non a vexo --estáballe a dicir, virándose cara a el outra vez coma se non puidese perder nin unha palabra da conversa, porque estaba ensumida no que falaban.
Fonte: CAR (1303)
EN He wasn't enjoying the talk, but he hadn't yet grasped the point.
GL A conversación non era do seu agrado, pero aínda non comprendera ben de todo.
Fonte: TER (1559)