EN The tan of the seashore had left her face, and her forehead was smooth, white, and polished beneath her heavy, yellow-brown hair.
GL O bronceado da praia desaparecéralle da cara e a fronte aparecía suave, branca e brillante baixo o abondoso pelo dourado.
Fonte: ESP (1490)
EN Always darkish in colour, Simon was burned by the sun to a deep tan that glistened with sweat.
GL Xa negro de seu, o sol queimáralle a pel dándolle unha cor morena que brillaba coa suor.
Fonte: SEN (1544)
transitive verb
EN Uncle Charles was a hale old man with a well tanned skin, rugged features and white side whiskers.
GL O tío Charles era un vello san, de pel curtida, trazos rudos e patillas brancas.
Fonte: RET (1347)