EN I sort of kept looking around for those two nuns I'd met at breakfast the day before, but I didn't see them.
GL Mirei se atopaba ás dúas monxas que coñecera o día anterior, mais non as vin.
Fonte: VIX (6477)
EN The Thirty Mile River was comparatively coated with ice, and they covered in one day going out what had taken them ten days coming in.
GL O río Thirty Mile estaba conxelado, e nunha xornada deron cuberto a distancia que na viaxe anterior lles levara dez días.
Fonte: CHA (726)
EN And word of the loveliness of Kino's pearl had come to them.
GL E verbas sobre a fermosura da perla de Kino xa chegaran a eles.
Fonte: PER (765)