BIBLOGAL Corpus of Latin-Galician-Brazilian Portuguese-European Portuguese-Catalan-French-Italian-Spanish-English-German-Basque-Simplified Chinese-Traditional Chinese biblical texts

7,481,611 words, 31,279 translation units: 535,423 words (Latin) x 656,998 words (Galician) x 770,410 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 662,853 words (European Portuguese) x 723,194 words (Catalan) x 719,229 words (French) x 674,795 words (Italian) x 706,125 words (Spanish) x 759,824 words (English) x 701,279 words (German) x 505,043 words (Basque) x 31,308 words (Simplified Chinese) x 35,130 words (Traditional Chinese)

1533 translation units: 25220 words (Latin) x 29269 words (Galician) x 36238 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 30819 words (European Portuguese) x 35692 words (Catalan) x 34698 words (French) x 33161 words (Italian) x 35108 words (Spanish) x 35795 words (English) x 33813 words (German) x 24286 words (Basque) x 1537 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1711 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Genesis
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

1213 translation units: 20062 words (Latin) x 24450 words (Galician) x 29380 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 25629 words (European Portuguese) x 28906 words (Catalan) x 27691 words (French) x 27182 words (Italian) x 28410 words (Spanish) x 30784 words (English) x 27284 words (German) x 18945 words (Basque) x 1214 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1326 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Exodus
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

859 translation units: 13777 words (Latin) x 19435 words (Galician) x 21870 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 18850 words (European Portuguese) x 21020 words (Catalan) x 20541 words (French) x 20179 words (Italian) x 20462 words (Spanish) x 23359 words (English) x 20586 words (German) x 13835 words (Basque) x 860 words (Simplified Chinese) x 910 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Leviticus
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

1288 translation units: 19313 words (Latin) x 26828 words (Galician) x 29267 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 25823 words (European Portuguese) x 28737 words (Catalan) x 28024 words (French) x 27166 words (Italian) x 28413 words (Spanish) x 31247 words (English) x 27170 words (German) x 17098 words (Basque) x 1304 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1314 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Numbers
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

959 translation units: 18502 words (Latin) x 26062 words (Galician) x 26418 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 23014 words (European Portuguese) x 25938 words (Catalan) x 26028 words (French) x 24399 words (Italian) x 24379 words (Spanish) x 27608 words (English) x 25307 words (German) x 17184 words (Basque) x 965 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1300 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Deuteronomy
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

658 translation units: 12137 words (Latin) x 15550 words (Galician) x 17216 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 15122 words (European Portuguese) x 16870 words (Catalan) x 16618 words (French) x 15568 words (Italian) x 16931 words (Spanish) x 17651 words (English) x 16164 words (German) x 11345 words (Basque) x 660 words (Simplified Chinese) x 727 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Joshua
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

618 translation units: 12625 words (Latin) x 16274 words (Galician) x 18171 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 14822 words (European Portuguese) x 17374 words (Catalan) x 16982 words (French) x 15820 words (Italian) x 17163 words (Spanish) x 18137 words (English) x 16911 words (German) x 12038 words (Basque) x 619 words (Simplified Chinese) x 657 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Judges
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

85 translation units: 1784 words (Latin) x 2168 words (Galician) x 2540 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 2181 words (European Portuguese) x 2324 words (Catalan) x 2292 words (French) x 2152 words (Italian) x 2298 words (Spanish) x 2452 words (English) x 2331 words (German) x 1688 words (Basque) x 85 words (Simplified Chinese) x 88 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Ruth
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

811 translation units: 18097 words (Latin) x 19743 words (Galician) x 24309 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 19974 words (European Portuguese) x 23030 words (Catalan) x 21932 words (French) x 21293 words (Italian) x 22858 words (Spanish) x 23874 words (English) x 22186 words (German) x 16650 words (Basque) x 814 words (Simplified Chinese) x 898 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, 1 Samuel
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

695 translation units: 14512 words (Latin) x 16369 words (Galician) x 20110 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 16855 words (European Portuguese) x 19131 words (Catalan) x 18569 words (French) x 17549 words (Italian) x 18892 words (Spanish) x 19757 words (English) x 18572 words (German) x 13402 words (Basque) x 696 words (Simplified Chinese) x 750 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, 2 Samuel
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

816 translation units: 17216 words (Latin) x 19546 words (Galician) x 23682 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 19826 words (European Portuguese) x 22613 words (Catalan) x 22129 words (French) x 20580 words (Italian) x 22525 words (Spanish) x 23375 words (English) x 21755 words (German) x 15978 words (Basque) x 816 words (Simplified Chinese) x 878 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, 1 Kings
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

719 translation units: 15965 words (Latin) x 18744 words (Galician) x 22060 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 19116 words (European Portuguese) x 21618 words (Catalan) x 20956 words (French) x 19345 words (Italian) x 21377 words (Spanish) x 22482 words (English) x 20955 words (German) x 15219 words (Basque) x 719 words (Simplified Chinese) x 758 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, 2 Kings
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

942 translation units: 14347 words (Latin) x 16690 words (Galician) x 20114 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 17218 words (European Portuguese) x 18544 words (Catalan) x 17940 words (French) x 16806 words (Italian) x 18322 words (Spanish) x 19781 words (English) x 17237 words (German) x 13347 words (Basque) x 945 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1055 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, 1 Chronicles
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

822 translation units: 17939 words (Latin) x 19529 words (Galician) x 26636 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 21814 words (European Portuguese) x 24760 words (Catalan) x 23404 words (French) x 21772 words (Italian) x 23904 words (Spanish) x 25064 words (English) x 23326 words (German) x 17010 words (Basque) x 823 words (Simplified Chinese) x 994 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, 2 Chronicles
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

280 translation units: 5104 words (Latin) x 6043 words (Galician) x 6929 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 6039 words (European Portuguese) x 6504 words (Catalan) x 6547 words (French) x 6046 words (Italian) x 6693 words (Spanish) x 7180 words (English) x 6225 words (German) x 4239 words (Basque) x 280 words (Simplified Chinese) x 374 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Ezra
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

406 translation units: 7357 words (Latin) x 8723 words (Galician) x 10615 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 8843 words (European Portuguese) x 9826 words (Catalan) x 9495 words (French) x 8961 words (Italian) x 9450 words (Spanish) x 10112 words (English) x 8862 words (German) x 6455 words (Basque) x 405 words (Simplified Chinese) x 477 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Nehemiah
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

167 translation units: 3990 words (Latin) x 4957 words (Galician) x 5977 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 4567 words (European Portuguese) x 5475 words (Catalan) x 5305 words (French) x 5139 words (Italian) x 5326 words (Spanish) x 5402 words (English) x 5082 words (German) x 3701 words (Basque) x 165 words (Simplified Chinese) x 167 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Esther (Hebrew text)
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

1070 translation units: 12527 words (Latin) x 15262 words (Galician) x 19572 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 15588 words (European Portuguese) x 16582 words (Catalan) x 15582 words (French) x 15877 words (Italian) x 16140 words (Spanish) x 17669 words (English) x 16670 words (German) x 11732 words (Basque) x 1066 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1192 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Job
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

2461 translation units: 29651 words (Latin) x 33193 words (Galician) x 39751 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 35751 words (European Portuguese) x 38257 words (Catalan) x 40168 words (French) x 35970 words (Italian) x 38195 words (Spanish) x 41395 words (English) x 37786 words (German) x 26217 words (Basque) x 2452 words (Simplified Chinese) x 2816 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Psalms
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

915 translation units: 9904 words (Latin) x 12676 words (Galician) x 15137 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 12795 words (European Portuguese) x 13555 words (Catalan) x 14792 words (French) x 13225 words (Italian) x 13887 words (Spanish) x 14467 words (English) x 13404 words (German) x 9298 words (Basque) x 917 words (Simplified Chinese) x 920 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Proverbs
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

222 translation units: 3795 words (Latin) x 4878 words (Galician) x 6000 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 4949 words (European Portuguese) x 5294 words (Catalan) x 5550 words (French) x 4982 words (Italian) x 5238 words (Spanish) x 5503 words (English) x 4866 words (German) x 3671 words (Basque) x 221 words (Simplified Chinese) x 265 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Ecclesiastes
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

117 translation units: 1783 words (Latin) x 2285 words (Galician) x 2746 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 2300 words (European Portuguese) x 2562 words (Catalan) x 2599 words (French) x 2436 words (Italian) x 2410 words (Spanish) x 2568 words (English) x 2348 words (German) x 1632 words (Basque) x 117 words (Simplified Chinese) x 117 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Song of Songs
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

11292 translation units: 24572 words (Latin) x 31400 words (Galician) x 36875 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 31464 words (European Portuguese) x 32887 words (Catalan) x 33398 words (French) x 30833 words (Italian) x 31884 words (Spanish) x 35506 words (English) x 32622 words (German) x 23555 words (Basque) x 1290 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1394 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Isaiah
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

1364 translation units: 29505 words (Latin) x 37805 words (Galician) x 41402 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 35085 words (European Portuguese) x 38389 words (Catalan) x 38319 words (French) x 35705 words (Italian) x 37269 words (Spanish) x 41635 words (English) x 37432 words (German) x 25941 words (Basque) x 1367 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1477 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Jeremiah
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

154 translation units: 2386 words (Latin) x 920 words (Galician) x 3752 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 2724 words (European Portuguese) x 3171 words (Catalan) x 3231 words (French) x 3057 words (Italian) x 2946 words (Spanish) x 3368 words (English) x 3117 words (German) x 2222 words (Basque) x 154 words (Simplified Chinese) x 155 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Lamentations
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

1273 translation units: 26803 words (Latin) x 34879 words (Galician) x 41166 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 32204 words (European Portuguese) x 34920 words (Catalan) x 34893 words (French) x 31622 words (Italian) x 34294 words (Spanish) x 38482 words (English) x 33721 words (German) x 23067 words (Basque) x 1276 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1309 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Ezekiel
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

531 translation units: 10696 words (Latin) x 12214 words (Galician) x 12647 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 12983 words (European Portuguese) x 11047 words (Catalan) x 11056 words (French) x 13320 words (Italian) x 10758 words (Spanish) x 11604 words (English) x 10390 words (German) x 7659 words (Basque) x 531 words (Simplified Chinese) x 588 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Daniel
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

197 translation units: 3485 words (Latin) x 4504 words (Galician) x 5706 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 4353 words (European Portuguese) x 4710 words (Catalan) x 4651 words (French) x 4334 words (Italian) x 4369 words (Spanish) x 5021 words (English) x 4758 words (German) x 3545 words (Basque) x 196 words (Simplified Chinese) x 226 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Hosea
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

73 translation units: 1356 words (Latin) x 1833 words (Galician) x 2019 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 1638 words (European Portuguese) x 1831 words (Catalan) x 1782 words (French) x 1727 words (Italian) x 1703 words (Spanish) x 1917 words (English) x 1775 words (German) x 1211 words (Basque) x 73 words (Simplified Chinese) x 85 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Joel
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

146 translation units: 2773 words (Latin) x 3465 words (Galician) x 4328 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 3559 words (European Portuguese) x 3703 words (Catalan) x 3747 words (French) x 3523 words (Italian) x 3602 words (Spanish) x 4043 words (English) x 3760 words (German) x 2773 words (Basque) x 146 words (Simplified Chinese) x 156 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Amos
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

21 translation units: 425 words (Latin) x 575 words (Galician) x 661 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 545 words (European Portuguese) x 566 words (Catalan) x 564 words (French) x 539 words (Italian) x 551 words (Spanish) x 617 words (English) x 574 words (German) x 394 words (Basque) x 21 words (Simplified Chinese) x 21 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Obadiah
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

48 translation units: 962 words (Latin) x 1137 words (Galician) x 1384 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 1156 words (European Portuguese) x 1277 words (Catalan) x 1196 words (French) x 1144 words (Italian) x 1172 words (Spanish) x 1265 words (English) x 1165 words (German) x 861 words (Basque) x 48 words (Simplified Chinese) x 59 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Jonah
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

105 translation units: 2071 words (Latin) x 2678 words (Galician) x 3207 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 2598 words (European Portuguese) x 2709 words (Catalan) x 2758 words (French) x 2619 words (Italian) x 2600 words (Spanish) x 2979 words (English) x 2675 words (German) x 1983 words (Basque) x 105 words (Simplified Chinese) x 115 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Micah
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

47 translation units: 849 words (Latin) x 1133 words (Galician) x 1302 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 1063 words (European Portuguese) x 1121 words (Catalan) x 1090 words (French) x 1016 words (Italian) x 1061 words (Spanish) x 1194 words (English) x 1160 words (German) x 836 words (Basque) x 47 words (Simplified Chinese) x 48 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Nahum
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

56 translation units: 1008 words (Latin) x 1290 words (Galician) x 1543 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 1245 words (European Portuguese) x 1343 words (Catalan) x 1411 words (French) x 1233 words (Italian) x 1310 words (Spanish) x 1372 words (English) x 1337 words (German) x 932 words (Basque) x 56 words (Simplified Chinese) x 58 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Habakkuk
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

53 translation units: 1064 words (Latin) x 1438 words (Galician) x 1659 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 1342 words (European Portuguese) x 1372 words (Catalan) x 1445 words (French) x 1339 words (Italian) x 1382 words (Spanish) x 1549 words (English) x 1399 words (German) x 1049 words (Basque) x 52 words (Simplified Chinese) x 57 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Zephaniah
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

38 translation units: 793 words (Latin) x 987 words (Galician) x 1128 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 999 words (European Portuguese) x 975 words (Catalan) x 994 words (French) x 988 words (Italian) x 1000 words (Spanish) x 1032 words (English) x 961 words (German) x 730 words (Basque) x 38 words (Simplified Chinese) x 41 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Haggai
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

211 translation units: 4366 words (Latin) x 5461 words (Galician) x 6029 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 5150 words (European Portuguese) x 5610 words (Catalan) x 5506 words (French) x 5139 words (Italian) x 5541 words (Spanish) x 6036 words (English) x 5537 words (German) x 3867 words (Basque) x 211 words (Simplified Chinese) x 222 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Zechariah
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

55 translation units: 1220 words (Latin) x 1630 words (Galician) x 1882 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 1621 words (European Portuguese) x 1680 words (Catalan) x 1644 words (French) x 1569 words (Italian) x 1605 words (Spanish) x 1687 words (English) x 1616 words (German) x 1290 words (Basque) x 55 words (Simplified Chinese) x 67 words (Traditional Chinese)
Old Testament, Book of Malachi
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

1071 translation units: 16438 words (Latin) x 19308 words (Galician) x 22325 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 20632 words (European Portuguese) x 21688 words (Catalan) x 22151 words (French) x 20306 words (Italian) x 21175 words (Spanish) x 22859 words (English) x 22121 words (German) x 16069 words (Basque) x 1071 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1125 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Gospel of Matthew
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

678 translation units: 10285 words (Latin) x 11827 words (Galician) x 14586 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 12999 words (European Portuguese) x 13561 words (Catalan) x 13874 words (French) x 12484 words (Italian) x 13300 words (Spanish) x 14341 words (English) x 14008 words (German) x 10111 words (Basque) x 678 words (Simplified Chinese) x 731 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Gospel of Mark
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

1151 translation units: 18004 words (Latin) x 20541 words (Galician) x 25536 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 21747 words (European Portuguese) x 23170 words (Catalan) x 23935 words (French) x 21776 words (Italian) x 22838 words (Spanish) x 24553 words (English) x 24120 words (German) x 17339 words (Basque) x 1151 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1277 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Gospel of Luke
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

879 translation units: 14010 words (Latin) x 15979 words (Galician) x 18140 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 16672 words (European Portuguese) x 17742 words (Catalan) x 18272 words (French) x 16964 words (Italian) x 17329 words (Spanish) x 18620 words (English) x 17995 words (German) x 13759 words (Basque) x 878 words (Simplified Chinese) x 960 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Gospel of John
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

1007 translation units: 16577 words (Latin) x 19548 words (Galician) x 24030 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 21208 words (European Portuguese) x 22309 words (Catalan) x 22608 words (French) x 21192 words (Italian) x 21862 words (Spanish) x 23211 words (English) x 22578 words (German) x 16946 words (Basque) x 1009 words (Simplified Chinese) x 1169 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Acts of the Apostles
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

437 translation units: 6386 words (Latin) x 8794 words (Galician) x 9763 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 8917 words (European Portuguese) x 9337 words (Catalan) x 9410 words (French) x 8660 words (Italian) x 8659 words (Spanish) x 9334 words (English) x 8810 words (German) x 7178 words (Basque) x 437 words (Simplified Chinese) x 542 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Epistle to the Romans
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

437 translation units: 6386 words (Latin) x 8794 words (Galician) x 9763 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 8917 words (European Portuguese) x 9337 words (Catalan) x 9410 words (French) x 8660 words (Italian) x 8659 words (Spanish) x 9334 words (English) x 8810 words (German) x 7178 words (Basque) x 437 words (Simplified Chinese) x 542 words (Traditional Chinese
New Testament, First Epistle to the Corinthians
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

257 translation units: 4274 words (Latin) x 5489 words (Galician) x 6307 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 5832 words (European Portuguese) x 6274 words (Catalan) x 6333 words (French) x 5630 words (Italian) x 5605 words (Spanish) x 6042 words (English) x 5773 words (German) x 4694 words (Basque) x 257 words (Simplified Chinese) x 333 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Second Epistle to the Corinthians
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

149 translation units: 2110 words (Latin) x 2965 words (Galician) x 3273 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 2976 words (European Portuguese) x 3150 words (Catalan) x 3138 words (French) x 2895 words (Italian) x 2926 words (Spanish) x 3112 words (English) x 2946 words (German) x 2401 words (Basque) x 149 words (Simplified Chinese) x 182 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Epistle to the Galatians
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

155 translation units: 2136 words (Latin) x 2705 words (Galician) x 3084 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 2835 words (European Portuguese) x 3055 words (Catalan) x 3067 words (French) x 2822 words (Italian) x 2942 words (Spanish) x 3085 words (English) x 2887 words (German) x 2225 words (Basque) x 156 words (Simplified Chinese) x 194 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Epistle to the Ephesians
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

104 translation units: 1556 words (Latin) x 2112 words (Galician) x 2288 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 2036 words (European Portuguese) x 2290 words (Catalan) x 2242 words (French) x 2010 words (Italian) x 2080 words (Spanish) x 2217 words (English) x 2062 words (German) x 1656 words (Basque) x 104 words (Simplified Chinese) x 127 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Epistle to the Philippians
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

95 translation units: 1442 words (Latin) x 1890 words (Galician) x 2099 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 1841 words (European Portuguese) x 1967 words (Catalan) x 2080 words (French) x 1881 words (Italian) x 1936 words (Spanish) x 1985 words (English) x 1911 words (German) x 1497 words (Basque) x 96 words (Simplified Chinese) x 120 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Epistle to the Colossians
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

89 translation units: 1392 words (Latin) x 1709 words (Galician) x 2013 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 1720 words (European Portuguese) x 1913 words (Catalan) x 1947 words (French) x 1767 words (Italian) x 1769 words (Spanish) x 1828 words (English) x 1762 words (German) x 1438 words (Basque) x 89 words (Simplified Chinese) x 128 words (Traditional Chinese)
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

47 translation units: 743 words (Latin) x 972 words (Galician) x 1074 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 1017 words (European Portuguese) x 1078 words (Catalan) x 1067 words (French) x 947 words (Italian) x 986 words (Spanish) x 1036 words (English) x 973 words (German) x 786 words (Basque) x 47 words (Simplified Chinese) x 63 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

113 translation units: 1575 words (Latin) x 2139 words (Galician) x 2450 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 2188 words (European Portuguese) x 2438 words (Catalan) x 2369 words (French) x 2250 words (Italian) x 2173 words (Spanish) x 2262 words (English) x 2104 words (German) x 1774 words (Basque) x 113 words (Simplified Chinese) x 138 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, First Epistle to Timothy
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

83 translation units: 1154 words (Latin) x 1517 words (Galician) x 1697 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 1567 words (European Portuguese) x 1733 words (Catalan) x 1653 words (French) x 1606 words (Italian) x 1545 words (Spanish) x 1601 words (English) x 1547 words (German) x 1290 words (Basque) x 83 words (Simplified Chinese) x 99 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Second Epistle to Timothy
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

46 translation units: 652 words (Latin) x 847 words (Galician) x 1026 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 933 words (European Portuguese) x 1018 words (Catalan) x 955 words (French) x 883 words (Italian) x 884 words (Spanish) x 903 words (English) x 870 words (German) x 736 words (Basque) x 46 words (Simplified Chinese) x 59 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Epistle to Titus
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

25 translation units: 317 words (Latin) x 431 words (Galician) x 472 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 433 words (European Portuguese) x 460 words (Catalan) x 446 words (French) x 413 words (Italian) x 402 words (Spanish) x 442 words (English) x 413 words (German) x 330 words (Basque) x 25 words (Simplified Chinese) x 27 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Epistle to Philemon
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

303 translation units: 4580 words (Latin) x 6949 words (Galician) x 7159 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 6763 words (European Portuguese) x 7044 words (Catalan) x 6924 words (French) x 6537 words (Italian) x 6496 words (Spanish) x 6789 words (English) x 6333 words (German) x 5224 words (Basque) x 303 words (Simplified Chinese) x 390 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Epistle to the Hebrews
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

108 translation units: 1632 words (Latin) x 2201 words (Galician) x 2426 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 2190 words (European Portuguese) x 2290 words (Catalan) x 2365 words (French) x 2140 words (Italian) x 2185 words (Spanish) x 2261 words (English) x 2206 words (German) x 1820 words (Basque) x 108 words (Simplified Chinese) x 126 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Epistle of James
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

105 translation units: 1624 words (Latin) x 2411 words (Galician) x 2534 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 2361 words (European Portuguese) x 2418 words (Catalan) x 2446 words (French) x 2224 words (Italian) x 2298 words (Spanish) x 2415 words (English) x 2229 words (German) x 1843 words (Basque) x 105 words (Simplified Chinese) x 146 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, First Epistle of Peter
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

61 translation units: 1033 words (Latin) x 1506 words (Galician) x 1576 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 1445 words (European Portuguese) x 1601 words (Catalan) x 1570 words (French) x 1445 words (Italian) x 1474 words (Spanish) x 1514 words (English) x 1452 words (German) x 1169 words (Basque) x 61 words (Simplified Chinese) x 69 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Second Epistle of Peter
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

105 translation units: 1854 words (Latin) x 2466 words (Galician) x 2472 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 2317 words (European Portuguese) x 2548 words (Catalan) x 2533 words (French) x 2302 words (Italian) x 2398 words (Spanish) x 2463 words (English) x 2391 words (German) x 1818 words (Basque) x 105 words (Simplified Chinese) x 184 words (Traditional Chinese))
New Testament, First Epistle of John
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

13 translation units: 218 words (Latin) x 287 words (Galician) x 304 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 263 words (European Portuguese) x 303 words (Catalan) x 317 words (French) x 262 words (Italian) x 287 words (Spanish) x 298 words (English) x 282 words (German) x 231 words (Basque) x 13 words (Simplified Chinese) x 15 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Second Epistle of John
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

15 translation units: 212 words (Latin) x 284 words (Galician) x 335 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 280 words (European Portuguese) x 305 words (Catalan) x 309 words (French) x 278 words (Italian) x 296 words (Spanish) x 295 words (English) x 291 words (German) x 261 words (Basque) x 15 words (Simplified Chinese) x 18 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Third Epistle of John
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

25 translation units: 420 words (Latin) x 596 words (Galician) x 671 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 617 words (European Portuguese) x 593 words (Catalan) x 613 words (French) x 584 words (Italian) x 575 words (Spanish) x 603 words (English) x 572 words (German) x 489 words (Basque) x 25 words (Simplified Chinese) x 29 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Epistle of Jude
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.

405 translation units: 8348 words (Latin) x 10632 words (Galician) x 11520 words (Brazilian Portuguese) x 10448 words (European Portuguese) x 11208 words (Catalan) x 11497 words (French) x 10306 words (Italian) x 11250 words (Spanish) x 11359 words (English) x 10825 words (German) x 7838 words (Basque) x 405 words (Simplified Chinese) x 507 words (Traditional Chinese)
New Testament, Book of Revelation
Latin, Galician, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Basque, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese versions.
Person in charge: Xavier Gómez Guinovart.