TECTRA Corpus of English-Galician literary texts

2,465,154 words, 85,292 translation units: 1,253,252 words (English) x 1,211,902 words (Galician)

6226 translation units: 61867 words (English) x 62256 words (Galician)
GOLDING, W. 1954 (1962). Lord of the Flies. Faber & Faber, Londres.
GOLDING, W. 1993. O Señor das moscas. Sotelo Blanco, Santiago de Compostela. Translator: X. M. Gómez Clemente.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

2433 translation units: 32133 words (English) x 30675 words (Galician)
GREENE, G. 1950 (1974, 3ª ed.). The Third Man. Heinemann, Londres.
GREENE, G. 1994. O terceiro home. Galaxia, Vigo. Translator: Mª Dolores M. Torres.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

1688 translation units: 31820 words (English) x 28805 words (Galician)
LONDON, J. 1903 (1975, 16ª ed.). The Call of the Wild. Heinemann, Londres.
LONDON, J. 1982 (1983, 2ª ed.). A chamada da selva. Xerais, Vigo. Translator: Gonzalo Navaza.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

6995 translation units: 67489 words (English) x 50704 words (Galician)
SALINGER, J.D. 1951. The Catcher in the Rye. Penguin, Londres.
SALINGER, J.D. 1990 (1992, 4ª ed.). O vixía no centeo. Xerais, Vigo. Translator: X. Ramón F. Rodríguez.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

1632 translation units: 25915 words (English) x 24678 words (Galician)
STEINBECK, J. 1945 (1986, 21ª ed.). The Pearl. Penguin, Nova York.
STEINBECK, J. 1990 (1993, 5ª ed.). A perla. Galaxia, Vigo. Translator: Benigno F. Salgado.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

3404 translation units: 70073 words (English) x 68432 words (Galician)
WOOLF, V. 1927 (1977, 18ª ed.). To the Lighthouse. Grafton Books, Londres.
WOOLF, V. 1993. Cara ó faro. Sotelo Blanco, Santiago de Compostela. Translators: Manuela Palacios and Xavier Castro.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

5262 translation units: 86160 words (English) x 82144 words (Galician)
JOYCE, J. 1916. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. En http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au
JOYCE, J. 1994. Retrato do artista cando novo. Edicións Laiovento, Santiago de Compostela. Translator: Vicente Araguas.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

1455 translation units: 42965 words (English) x 42102 words (Galician)
BELL, A.F.G. 1922. Spanish Galicia. John Lane The Bodley Head, Londres.
BELL, A.F.G. 1994. Galicia vista por un inglés. Galaxia, Vigo. Translator: X. M. Gómez Clemente.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

6107 translation units: 59813 words (English) x 57836 words (Galician)
CHRISTIE, A. 1934. Murder on the Orient Express. Harper Collins, Londres.
CHRISTIE, A. 2000. Asasinato no Orient Express. Galaxia, Vigo. Translator: Alberto Alvarez Lugrís
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1486 translation units: 21322 words (English) x 19446 words (Galician)
JAMES, H. 1878. Daisy Miller. En http://www.4literature.net/Henry_James/Daisy_Miller/
JAMES, H. 1999. Daisy Miller. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Carmen Millán Varela.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

3325 translation units: 49896 words (English) x 45871 words (Galician)
CHOPIN, K. 1899. The Awakening. En http://www.chopin.thefreelibrary.com/Awakening-and-Selected-Short-Stories
CHOPIN, K. 1999. O espertar. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Ana María Valladares Fernández,.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

238 translation units: 6726 words (English) x 6847 words (Galician)
IRVING, W. 1819-20. Rip Van Winkle. En http://www.4literature.net/Washington_Irving/Rip_Van_Winkle/
IRVING, W. 1999. Rip Van Winkle. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: José Álvarez Vázquez.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

331 translation units: 12158 words (English) x 12291 words (Galician)
IRVING, W. 1819-20. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. En http://www.4literature.net/Washington_Irving/Legend_of_Sleepy_Hollow/
IRVING, W. 1999. A lenda de Sleepy Hollow. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: José Álvarez Vázquez.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

154 translation units: 2481 words (English) x 2164 words (Galician)
POE, E.A. 1850. Three Sundays in a week. En http://www.4literature.net/Edgar_Allan_Poe/Three_Sundays_in_a_Week/
POE, E.A. 1999. Tres domingos nunha semana. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Marifé Vega Alba.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

56 translation units: 2888 words (English) x 2668 words (Galician)
SWIFT, J. 1729. Modest Proposal. En http://www.4literature.net/Jonathan_Swift/Modest_Proposal/
SWIFT, J. 1999. Unha humilde proposta. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Marifé Vega Alba.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

885 translation units: 18726 words (English) x 17346 words (Galician)
JAMES, H. 1903. The beast in the jungle. En http://www.classicreader.com/read.php/sid.1/bookid.271/
JAMES, H. 1999. A besta na xungla. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Sandra Sanmiguel.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

679 translation units: 10949 words (English) x 11607 words (Galician)
TWAIN, M. 1906. The $30,000 Bequest. En http://www.4literature.net/Mark_Twain/The_30_000_Bequest_and_Other_Stories
TWAIN, M. 1999. O legado dos trinta mil dólares. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

2028 translation units: 20561 words (English) x 18394 words (Galician)
WILDE, O. 1895. The importance of being Earnest. En http://www.hoboes.com/html/FireBlade/Wilde/earnest/
WILDE, O. 1999. A importancia de chamarse Ernesto. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Lupe de la Torre.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

121 translation units: 2054 words (English) x 2051 words (Galician)
IRVING, W. 1819-20. The Adventure of the German Student. En http://whitewolf.newcastle.edu.au/words/authors/I/IrvingWashington/prose/germanstudent/germanstudent.html
IRVING, W. 1999. A experiencia do estudiante alemán. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: José Álvarez Vázquez.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

479 translation units: 8346 words (English) x 8357 words (Galician)
TWAIN, M. 1893. The 1,000,000 Pounds Bank-Note. En http://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/MilPou.shtml
TWAIN, M. 1999. O billete do millón de libras. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Isabel Yáñez.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

805 translation units: 19268 words (English) x 18619 words (Galician)
IRVING, W. 1832. The Alhambra. En http://www.underthesun.cc/Classics/Irving/AlhambraThe/
IRVING, W. 1999. Contos da Alhambra. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Paulo R. Ballesteros.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

125 translation units: 2357 words (English) x 2241 words (Galician)
Edward Bellamy. The Parable of the Water Tank. En http://www1.minn.net/~nup/PARABLE.HTM
Edward Bellamy. 2005. A Parábola do depósito de auga. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. Elena Maure Noia.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

116 translation units: 2690 words (English) x 2493 words (Galician)
Ambrose Bierce. Oil of Dog & An Imperfect Conflagration. En http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/3715
Ambrose Bierce. 2005. Contos: Aceite de can e Unha conflagración imperfecta. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. Moisés Rodríguez Barcia.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

257 translation units: 5773 words (English) x 5929 words (Galician)
Ambrose Bierce. The death of Halpin Frayser. En http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/4366
Ambrose Bierce. 2005. A morte de Halpin Frayser. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. Emilio Pérez Frenández.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

194 translation units: 3887 words (English) x 3466 words (Galician)
Jeremiah Curtin. Birth of Fin MacCumhail. En http://celt.net/Celtic/Myths/fin01.html
Jeremiah Curtin. 2005. O nacemento de Fin Maccumhail. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. Karina Duro.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

159 translation units: 4080 words (English) x 4248 words (Galician)
Nathaniel Hawthorne. Edward Randolph's Portrait. En http://www.eldritchpress.org/nh/erp.html
Nathaniel Hawthorne. 2005. O retrato de Edward Randolph. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. L. C. Carballal.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

137 translation units: 5474 words (English) x 5285 words (Galician)
Mary Shelley. The Mortal Immortal. A Tale. En http://www.rc.umd.edu/editions/mws/immortal/mortal.html
Mary Shelley. 2005. Conto do mortal inmortal. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. Ana Vidal Castiñeira.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

265 translation units: 3636 words (English) x 4254 words (Galician)
Mary Shelley. 1826. Roger Dodsworth: The Reanimated Englishman. En www.cf.ac.uk/encap/sections/ literature/rogerdodsworth.pdf
Mary Shelley. 2005. Roger Dodsworth. O inglés reanimado. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. Ana Vidal Castiñeira.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

114 translation units: 1724 words (English) x 1755 words (Galician)
Robert Louis Stevenson. Fables. En http://robert-louis-stevenson.classic-literature.co.uk/fables/
Robert Louis Stevenson. 2005. Dúas fábulas. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. Laura Sáez.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

363 translation units: 4135 words (English) x 3661 words (Galician)
John Millington Synge. Riders to the Sea. En hhttp://www.classicreader.com/booktoc.php/sid.7/bookid.1346/
John Millington Synge. 2005. Xinetes cara ao mar. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. Martín Veiga
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

249 translation units: 4562 words (English) x 4193 words (Galician)
William Butler Yeats. The Celtic Twilight. En http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/yeats/twi/index.htm
William Butler Yeats. 2005. Contos (de Celtic Twilight). Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. Paulo Martínez Lema. Revisado por Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

704 translation units: 24103 words (English) x 26151 words (Galician)
Thomas de Quincey. Letter to a young man whose education has been neglected. En http://www.hti.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=moa;cc=moa;sid=759246c9a7064b1c1a2cb307d4dbf33d;q1=letters%20to%20a%20young%20man;idno=abk0213.0015.001;view=toc
Thomas de Quincey. 2005. Cartas a un mozo que levou unha educación descoidada. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. Perfecto Andrade.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

262 translation units: 5463 words (English) x 4972 words (Galician)
Edgar Allan Poe. A Premature Burial. En http://eserver.org/books
Edgar Allan Poe. 2005. O enterro prematuro. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). Trad. Perfecto Andrade.
Person in charge: Elena Sacau Fontenla.

2038 translation units: 32282 words (English) x 31315 words (Galician)
WELLS, H.G. 1898 (1992). The Time Machine. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
WELLS, H.G. 1999. A máquina do tempo. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Raúl Araya Tauler.
Person in charge: Lorena Meizoso Allegue.

81 translation units: 2435 words (English) x 2155 words (Galician)
POE, E.A. 1850 (2000). Eleonora. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
POE, E.A. 1999. Leonora. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Mayte Lorenzo.
Person in charge: Anxo Otero Ruiz.

199 translation units: 2364 words (English) x 2034 words (Galician)
POE, E.A. 1846. The Cask of Amontillado. In http://www.poedecoder.com/Qrisse/works/amontillado.html
POE, E.A. 2005. O bocoi de amontillado. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Servando Doval.
Persons in charge: Adriana Lago Pena, Miguel López Docampo and Rosa Lubián Campos

8909 translation units: 129866 words (English) x 124010 words (Galician)
Joseph Conrad, 1917. Lord Jim. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
Joseph Conrad, 2010. Lord Jim. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translators: Natalia Cora, Rebeca Lemat e Susana Collazo.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

1306 translation units: 13347 words (English) x 13263 words (Galician)
Katherine Mansfield, 1922. At the Bay. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
Katherine Mansfield, 2007. Na baía. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: María Ana Valladares Fernández.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

153 translation units: 1931 words (English) x 1893 words (Galician)
Katherine Mansfield, 1920. Miss Brill. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
Katherine Mansfield, 2007. A señorita Brill. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: María Ana Valladares Fernández.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

217 translation units: 2528 words (English) x 2431 words (Galician)
Katherine Mansfield, 1921. Life of Ma Parker. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
Katherine Mansfield, 2007. A vida de Ma Parker. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: María Ana Valladares Fernández.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

629 translation units: 5308 words (English) x 5000 words (Galician)
Katherine Mansfield, 1922. The Garden Party. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
Katherine Mansfield, 2007. Festa no xardín. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: María Ana Valladares Fernández.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

228 translation units: 2076 words (English) x 2080 words (Galician)
Katherine Mansfield, 1922. The Singing Lesson. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
Katherine Mansfield, 2007. A lección de canto. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: María Ana Valladares Fernández.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

6895 translation units: 103739 words (English) x 112505 words (Galician)
Jack London, 1915. The Star Rover. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
Jack London, 2007. O viaxeiro astral. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Translator: Xoán Abeleira.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

99 translation units: 2037 words (English) x 2023 words (Galician)
H.P. Lovecraft, 1933. The Other Gods. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
H.P. Lovecraft, 2010. Os outros deuses. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Trad. Antón Riveiro.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

121 translation units: 2771 words (English) x 2922 words (Galician)
H.P. Lovecraft, 1923. Hypnos. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
H.P. Lovecraft, 2010. Hipnos. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Trad. Antón Riveiro.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

337 translation units: 8236 words (English) x 8796 words (Galician)
H.P. Lovecraft, 1927. The Horror at Red Hook. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
H.P. Lovecraft, 2010. O Terror en Red Hook. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Trad. Antón Riveiro.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

3575 translation units: 50791 words (English) x 48123 words (Galician)
Rudyard Kipling, 1894. The Jungle Book. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
Rudyard Kipling, 2010. O libro da selva. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Trad. Rafael Salgueiro.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

1050 translation units: 21859 words (English) x 19752 words (Galician)
James Matthew Barrié, 1906. Peter Pan in Kensington's Gardens. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
James Matthew Barrié, 2010. Peter Pan nos xardíns de Kensington. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Trad. Irene Doval Marcos.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

7139 translation units: 86597 words (English) x 85717 words (Galician)
F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1922. Tales from the Jazz Age. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
F. Scott Fitzgerald, 2010. Contos da era do jazz. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Trad. Rafael Rodríguez Salgueiro.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

2734 translation units: 34586 words (English) x 37332 words (Galician)
Horace Walpole, 1764. The Castle of Otranto. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
Horace Walpole, 2010. O castelo de Otranto. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Trad. Xoán Abeleira.
Person in charge: Magali Meijueiro

804 translation units: 29005 words (English) x 28610 words (Galician)
Lewis Carroll, 1885. A Tangled Tale. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
Lewis Carroll, 2010. Un conto enleado. Biblioteca Virtual da Literatura Universal en Galego (bivir.com). ATG, Vigo. Trad. Xosé Díaz Díaz.
Person in charge: Mar Villar Zamuz