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English-Spanish SENSOGAL Corpora Collection

6,313,033 words, 197,342 translation units: 3,218,151 words (English) x 3,094,882 words (Spanish)


1. UNESCO Corpus of English-Spanish scientific-technical divulgation
1,889,783 words, 47,905 translation units: 927,698 words (English) x 962,085 words (Spanish)

2. TECTES Corpus of English-Spanish literary texts
3,602,857 words, 90,194 translation units: 1,846,840 words (English) x 1,756,017 words (Spanish)

3. BETA Corpus of English-Spanish television series subtitling
820,393 words, 59,243 translation units: 443,613 words (English) x 376,780 words (Spanish)

1. UNESCO Corpus of English-Spanish scientific-technical divulgation

1,889,783 words, 47,905 translation units: 927,698 words (English) x 962,085 words (Spanish)

1399 translation units: 29756 words (English) x 28798 words (Galician) x 31032 words (Spanish) x 29875 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, october 1998. Human rights: the struggle continues.
O Correo da Unesco, november 1998. Dereitos humanos: unha tarefa inconclusa. Translator: Gonzalo Constenla Bergueiro
El Correo de la Unesco, october 1998. Derechos humanos: una tarea inconclusa.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, october 1998. Droits humains: une conquête inachevée.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1505 translation units: 30087 words (English) x 28740 words (Galician) x 28650 words (Spanish) x 29727 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, march 2000. Education for all. Schools reach out.
O Correo da Unesco, april de 2000. Educación para todos: a escola abre as súa portas. Translator: Pilar Vilaboi
El Correo de la Unesco, march 2000. Educación para todos: la escuela abre sus puertas.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, march 2000. Éducation pour tous. Quand l'école sort de ses murs.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1578 translation units: 28896 words (English) x 27569 words (Galician) x 29655 words (Spanish) x 27587 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, october 2000. The rage for Asian cinema.
O Correo da Unesco, november 2000. Cámaras e enxeño: nacen outros cines. Translator: Raúl Araya
El Correo de la Unesco, october 2000. Cámaras e ingenio: nacen otros cines.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, october 2000. Les cinémas d'Orient crèvent l'écran.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1586 translation units: 29995 words (English) x 29750 words (Galician) x 29714 words (Spanish) x 30844 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, february 1999. What price water?.
O Correo da Unesco, march 1999. Auga escasa, auga cara. Translator: Carlos Díaz Abraira
El Correo de la Unesco, february 1999. Agua escasa,agua cara.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, february 1999. Eau douce: à quel prix?.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1346 translation units: 25860 words (English) x 24645 words (Galician) x 27234 words (Spanish) x 26096 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, september 2001. Colour, nation, ethnic hate…Why racism?.
O Correo da Unesco, october 2001. Racismo: un mal sen fronteiras. Translator: Xosé M. Gómez Clemente
El Correo de la Unesco, september 2001. Racismo: un mal sin fronteras.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, september 2001. Couleur, nation, ethnie, caste… Pourquoi le racisme?.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1481 translation units: 27003 words (English) x 26189 words (Galician) x 27995 words (Spanish) x 26619 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, june 2001. Volunteers: the power of kindness.
O Correo da Unesco, july 2001. Voluntariado: unha riqueza invisible. Translator: Xermán García Cancela
El Correo de la Unesco, june 2001. Voluntariado: una riqueza invisible.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, june 2001. Le bénévolat, une richesse invisible.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1538 translation units: 27381 words (English) x 27054 words (Galician) x 28670 words (Spanish) x 27044 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, marzo de 2001. They're watching you…Privacy in a wired world.
O Correo da Unesco, abril de 2001. A tecnoloxía ó asalto da intimidade. Translator: Xosé Torres Pomar
El Correo de la Unesco, marzo de 2001. La tecnología al asalto de la intimidad.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, marzo de 2001. Un espion entre dans votre réfrigérateur...
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1344 translation units: 27475 words (English) x 25941 words (Galician) x 28175 words (Spanish) x 28056 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, september 2000. The other face of globalization.
O Correo da Unesco, october de 2000. Mundialización: o espertar cidadán. Translator: Xermán García Cancela
El Correo de la Unesco, september 2000. Mundialización: el despertar ciudadano.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, september 2000. L'autre mondialisation: l'éveil citoyen.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1441 translation units: 27290 words (English) x 27179 words (Galician) x 28767 words (Spanish) x 27899 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, april 2000. Languages: conflict or coexistence?.
O Correo da Unesco, may 2000. Guerra e paz na fronte das linguas. Translator: Olga Sánchez Rodríguez
El Correo de la Unesco, april 2000. Guerra y paz en el frente de las lenguas.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, april 2000. Guerre et paix des langues.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1404 translation units: 28182 words (English) x 27209 words (Galician) x 29301 words (Spanish) x 28878 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, january 2000. International Year 2000: Peace is in our hands.
O Correo da Unesco, february 2000. Ano internacional 2000: A paz día a día. Translator: Aquilino Alonso Núñez
El Correo de la Unesco, january 2000. Año Internacional 2000: la paz día a día.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, january 2000. L'Année internationale 2000: la paix au quotidien.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1397 translation units: 29518 words (English) x 29046 words (Galician) x 30805 words (Spanish) x 30383 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, march 1999. A new deal for the poor.
O Correo da Unesco, april 1999. A nova faciana da pobreza. Translator: María Luísa Fernández Somoza e Xosé Torres Romar
El Correo de la Unesco, march 1999. El nuevo rostro de la pobreza.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, march 1999. Pauvreté: nouvelles donnes.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1404 translation units: 39348 words (English) x 38394 words (Galician) x 41193 words (Spanish) x 41960 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, july-august 1999. Tourism and culture: rethinking the mix.
O Correo da Unesco, august/september 1999. Turismo e cultura, compañeiros de ruta. Translator: Xermán García Cancela
El Correo de la Unesco, july-august 1999. Turismo y cultura, compañeros de ruta.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, july-august 1999. Tourisme et culture: un mariage d'intérêts.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1322 translation units: 27996 words (English) x 27623 words (Galician) x 29751 words (Spanish) x 28485 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, november 1998. Immigrants on the borderline.
O Correo da Unesco, december 1998. Inmigrantes, o mito das fronteiras. Translator: Xermán García Cancela
El Correo de la Unesco, november de 1998. Inmigrantes, bienvenidos o indeseados.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, november 1998. Immigrés: le mythe des frontières.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1560 translation units: 29802 words (English) x 29834 words (Galician) x 31628 words (Spanish) x 31184 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, april 1999. The spell of sport.
O Correo da Unesco, mai 1999. A febre do deporte. Translator: María Dolores Sánchez Palomino
El Correo de la Unesco, apri 1999. La fiebre del deporte.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, april 1999. Sport passion.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

2297 translation units: 43865 words (English) x 40919 words (Galician) x 43826 words (Spanish) x 43065 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, July/August 2000. Youth's sonic forces.
O Correo da Unesco, august/september 2000. Música: a mocidade marca o ritmo. Translator: Mercedes Penoucos Castiñeiros
El Correo de la Unesco,July/August 2000. Música: la juventud marca el ritmo.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, July/August 2000. Musiques: génération fusion.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1467 translation units: 28432 words (English) x 26280 words (Galician) x 28092 words (Spanish) x 26638 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, may 2001. Science and creation. The riddle in the skies.
O Correo da Unesco, june 2001. Ciencia e relixión. O enigma da Creación. Translator: Xosé María Gómez Clemente
El Correo de la Unesco,may 2001. Ciencia y religión. El enigma de la Creación.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, may 2001. Sciences et croyances. Il était une fois la Création.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1437 translation units: 28420 words (English) x 29485 words (Galician) x 30973 words (Spanish) x 29651 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, september 1998. Higher education... and after?.
O Correo da Unesco, october 1998. A educación superior, ¿e despois que?. Translator: Xosé María Gómez Clemente
El Correo de la Unesco,september 1998. La educación superior, ¿y después qué?.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, september 1998. L'enseignement supérieur, et après?.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1428 translation units: 29457 words (English) x 28273 words (Galician) x 30266 words (Spanish) x 30019 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, september 1999. Bioethics the lure of the perfect child.
O Correo da Unesco, october 1999. Bioética: ante a tentación do fillo perfecto. Translator: Xosé María Gómez Clemente
El Correo de la Unesco, september 1999. Bioética: ante la tentación del hijo perfecto.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, september 1999. Bioéthique: la tentation de l'enfant parfait.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1342 translation units: 26647 words (English) x 26473 words (Galician) x 28303 words (Spanish) x 27857 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, february 2000. Small media, new voices.
O Correo da Unesco, march 2000. Novas voces da información. Translator: María Dolores Sánchez Palomino
El Correo de la Unesco, february 2000. Nuevas voces de la información.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, february 2000. Petits médias, nouvelles voix.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1493 translation units: 29136 words (English) x 28378 words (Galician) x 29901 words (Spanish) x 29054 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, may 1999. Who owns science?.
O Correo da Unesco, june 1999. De quen é a ciencia?. Translator: Xulio C. Sousa
El Correo de la Unesco, may 1999. ¿Quién posee la ciencia?. Translator: Miguel Labarca
Le Courier de l'Unesco, may 1999. À qui profite la science?.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1448 translation units: 28035 words (English) x 26945 words (Galician) x 28976 words (Spanish) x 28463 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, maio de 2000. Biodiversity: a friend for life.
O Correo da Unesco, xuño de 2000. A biodiversidade, fonte de toda vida. Trad. Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo
El Correo de la Unesco, maio de 2000. La diversidad, fuente de toda vida.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, maio de 2000. Biodiversité: la vie en partage.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1349 translation units: 26885 words (English) x 26258 words (Galician) x 28127 words (Spanish) x 27132 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, decembro de 2000. Seven writers in a world of wonders.
O Correo da Unesco, maio de 2001. Sete escritores recrean o patrimonio mundial. Trad. Xulio C. Sousa
El Correo de la Unesco, decembro de 2000. Siete escritores recrean el patrimonio mundial.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, decembro de 2000. Sept écrivains aux pays des merveilles.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1537 translation units: 29650 words (English) x 29123 words (Galician) x 30453 words (Spanish) x 29775 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, decembro de 1999. Memory: making peace with a violent past.
O Correo da Unesco, xaneiro de 2000. Despois do horror: a lembranza e o esquecemento. Trad. Ernesto González Seoane
El Correo de la Unesco, decembro de 1999. Después del horror: la memoria y el olvido.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, decembro de 1999. Horreurs d'hier: la mémoire et l'oubli.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1485 translation units: 29232 words (English) x 28724 words (Galician) x 30885 words (Spanish) x 30037 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, xuño de 2000. Women's long march to power.
O Correo da Unesco, xullo de 2000. Cidadás ó poder.
El Correo de la Unesco, xuño de 2000. Ciudadanas al poder.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, xuño de 2000. Aux pouvoirs, citoyennes!.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1432 translation units: 26822 words (English) x 26256 words (Galician) x 28211 words (Spanish) x 26368 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, novembro de 2001. Politics and profit. Scholars at risk.
O Correo da Unesco, decembro de 2001. Investigación: a liberdade condicional. Trad. Ernesto González Seoane
El Correo de la Unesco, novembro de 2001. Investigación: la libertad condicional.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, novembro de 2001. Sciences et croyances. Il était une fois la Création.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1506 translation units: 26859 words (English) x 26169 words (Galician) x 28123 words (Spanish) x 26832 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, abril de 2001. Stop the art thieves!.
O Correo da Unesco, maio de 2001. Saqueo do atrimonio: A toma de consciencia. Trad. Ernesto González Seoane
El Correo de la Unesco, abril de 2001. Saqueo del patrimonio: la toma de conciencia.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, abril de 2001. Contre les pilleurs et les vandales: sauvons nos trésors.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1327 translation units: 26266 words (English) x 25613 words (Galician) x 27220 words (Spanish) x 25580 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, novembro de 2000. Education: the last frontier for profit.
O Correo da Unesco, decembro de 2000. ¿Son compatibles a educación e o mercado?. Trad. Valentín Arias
El Correo de la Unesco, novembro de 2000. ¿Son compatibles la educación y el mercado?.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, novembro de 2000. Éducation: un marché de 2 000 milliards de dollars.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1456 translation units: 26935 words (English) x 26150 words (Galician) x 28117 words (Spanish) x 26966 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, outubro de 2001. Will wars be fought over water, as they have been over oil?.
O Correo da Unesco, novembro de 2001. Auga: ¿Conflicto ou negociación?. Trad. Mercedes Penoucos Castiñeiras
El Correo de la Unesco, outubro de 2001. Agua: ¿Conflicto o negociación?.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, outubro de 2001. Grands fleuves: du conflit au partage.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1495 translation units: 28834 words (English) x 27141 words (Galician) x 29433 words (Spanish) x 28668 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, xuño de 1999. The big city or bust: Surviving the South's urban revolution.
O Correo da Unesco, xullo de 1999. Cidades do Sur: A chamada da urbe. Trad. Xulio C. Sousa
El Correo de la Unesco, xuño de 1999. Ciudades del Sur: La llamada de la urbe.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, xuño de 1999. Sud: vivre en ville coûte que coûte.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1540 translation units: 28049 words (English) x 26475 words (Galician) x 28681 words (Spanish) x 27841 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, xaneiro de 2001. Land, debt, seeds of wrath... The new peasants' revolt.
O Correo da Unesco, febreiro de 2001. Da fame ós OXM: a iniciativa campesiña. Trad. Xesús Riveiro
El Correo de la Unesco, xaneiro de 2001. Del hambre a los OGM: la iniciativa campesina.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, xaneiro de 2001. De la faim aux OGM: les paysans ripostent.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1540 translation units: 27539 words (English) x 27902 words (Galician) x 29571 words (Spanish) x 26906 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, outubro de 1999. Getting youth through the Aids crisis.
O Correo da Unesco, novembro de 1999. Pola educación da mocidade contra a SIDA. Trad. Carmen Hermida Gulías
El Correo de la Unesco, outubro de 1999. Por la educación de los jóvenes contra el sida.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, outubro de 1999. La montée du sida: alertez les jeunes!.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

1540 translation units: 28046 words (English) x 27697 words (Galician) x 30357 words (Spanish) x 27116 words (French)
The Unesco Courier, novembro de 1999. Making the leap to a rule of law.
O Correo da Unesco, decembro de 1999. Países en transición: en nome da lei. Trad. Valentín Arias
El Correo de la Unesco, novembro de 1999. Países en transición: en nombre de la ley.
Le Courier de l'Unesco, novembro de 1999. Pays en transition: la loi en marche.
Person in charge: Eva Díaz Rodríguez.

2. TECTES Corpus of English-Spanish literary texts

3,602,857 words, 90,194 translation units: 1,846,840 words (English) x 1,756,017 words (Spanish)

1619 translation units: 25915 words (English) x 26295 words (Spanish)
Steinbeck, John. 1945 (1986, 21ª ed.). The Pearl. Penguin, Nova York.
Steinbeck, John. 1993. La perla. Edhasa, Barcelona.
Translator: Horacio Vázquez-Rial
Alignment: Paulo Malvar Fernández.

191 translation units: 2329 words (English) x 2307 words (Spanish)
Poe, Edgar Allen (1846) The Cask of Amontillado. In https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1063
Poe, Edgar Allen. El barril de Amontillado. In http://www.alconet.com.ar/varios/libros/e-book_e/el_barril_del_amontillado.pdf
Alignment: Michael Lang.

4681 translation units: 118503 words (English) x 119586 words (Spanish)
Jane Austen (1945). Sense and Sensibility.
Jane Austen (1945). Sentido y Sensibilidad.
Alignment: Andras Farkas (http://www.farkastranslations.com/ apud http://opus.lingfil.uu.se).

3671 translation units: 56149 words (English) x 56091 words (Spanish)
Arthur Conan Doyle. The Hound of the Baskervilles.
Arthur Conan Doyle. El sabueso de los Baskerville.
Alignment: Andras Farkas (http://www.farkastranslations.com/ apud http://opus.lingfil.uu.se).

1617 translation units: 32035 words (English) x 32752 words (Spanish)
London, J. (1903). The Call of the Wild. Elegant Ebooks. In http://www.ibiblio.org/ebooks/London/Call%20of%20Wild.pdf
London, J. La llamada de la selva. In http://www.claseshistoria.com/general/pdf/londonselva.pdf

5555 translation units: 59128 words (English) x 63265 words (Spanish)
Golding, W. 1954 (1962). Lord of the Flies. Faber & Faber, London.
Golding, W. El señor de las moscas. Alianza Editorial, 1975. Edición digital: J.M. Rivas. In https://cidetac.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/golding-william-el-senor-de-las-moscas.pdf
Translator: Carmen Vergara.
Alignment: Michael Lang

101 translation units: 2117 words (English) x 1978 words (Spanish)
Poe, Edgar Allen (1843). A Tell Tale Heart. In http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYper/POE/telltale.html
Poe, Edgar Allen. El corazón delator In https://www.ucm.es/data/cont/docs/119-2014-02-19-Poe.ElCorazonDelator.pdf
Alignment: Michael Lang

2270 translation units: 38765 words (English) x 38763 words (Spanish)
Conrad, Joseph 1899. Heart of Darkness. In https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/219
Conrad, Joseph. Corazón en las tinieblas. In http://mural.uv.es/deladel/El%20corazon%20de%20las%20tinieblas.pdf
Translator: Sergio Pitol
Alignment: Michael Lang

4457 translation units: 67978 words (English) x 65497 words (Spanish)
Joyce, James (1914). Dubliners. In https://www.planetebook.com/ebooks/Dubliners.pdf
Joyce, James (2007). Dublinenses. Argentina: Ediciones del Sur. In http://biblio3.url.edu.gt/Libros/joyce/dublineses.pdf
Alignment: Michael Lang

33 translation units: 339 words (English) x 349 words (Spanish)
Sendak, Maurice (1963). Where the Wild Things Are In https://archive.org/stream/WhereTheWildThingsAreByMauriceSendak/Where%20The%20Wild%20Things%20Are%20by%20Maurice%20Sendak_djvu.txt
Sendak, Maurice (1995). Donde viven los monstruos. Ediciones Alfaguara. In http://cuentosmagicosblog.blogspot.com.es/2012/06/donde-viven-los-monstruos-maurice.html
Translator: Augustín Gervás
Alignment: Michael Lang

19 translation units: 225 words (English) x 218 words (Spanish)
Carle, Eric (1969). The Very Hungry Caterpillar. In https://archive.org/stream/TheVeryHungryCaterpillarByEricCarle/The%20Very%20Hungry%20Caterpillar%20by%20Eric%20Carle_djvu.txt
Carle, Eric (1994). La oruga muy hambrienta. China: Philomel Books.
Alignment: Michael Lang

3765 translation units: 46119 words (English) x 46261 words (Spanish)
Bradbury, Ray (1953). Fahrenheit 451. In http://www.secret-satire-society.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Ray-Bradbury-Fahrenheit-451.pdf
Bradbury, Ray (2006). Farenheit 451. Retamar: Ediciones Perdidas. In http://www.formarse.com.ar/libros/Libros-recomendados-pdf/farenheit%20451.pdf
Alignment: Michael Lang

3034 translation units: 48764 words (English) x 50586 words (Spanish)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (1925). The Great Gatsby. South Australia: University of Adelaide. In https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/f/fitzgerald/f_scott/gatsby/index.html
Fitzgerald, F. Scott. El gran Gatsby. In http://iesvelesevents.edu.gva.es/wptemp/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Scott-Fitzgerald.-El-gran-Gatsby.pdf
Alignment: Michael Lang

2270 translation units: 37441 words (English) x 36159 words (Spanish)
Lewis, C.S. (1950). The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. In http://newheadway.weebly.com/uploads/4/3/3/6/43369237/388453_1411397848.pdf
Lewis, C.S. (2000). El león, la bruja, y el ropero. Editorial Andrés Bello. In http://www.mercaba.org/Filosofia/Lewis/Lewis,%20C.%20S%20-%20CN1,%20El%20Leon,%20La%20Bruja%20y%20el%20Ropero.pdf
Translator: Margarita Valdés E.
Alignment: Michael Lang

676 translation units: 6347 words (English) x 5637 words (Spanish)
Carver, Raymond (1981). The Cathedral. In http://www.giuliotortello.it/ebook/cathedral.pdf
Carver, Raymond. La catedral. In http://www.cuentosinfin.com/catedral/
Alignment: Michael Lang

129 translation units: 3138 words (English) x 3411 words (Spanish)
Woolf, Virginia (1921). The Mark on the Wall. In Monday or Tuesday. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc. In http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/woolf/monday/monday-08.html
Woolf, Virginia. La marca en la pared. In https://albalearning.com/audiolibros/woolf/lamarcaenlapared-sp.html
Alignment: Michael Lang

119 translation units: 2139 words (English) x 2060 words (Spanish)
Hemingway, Ernest (1927). In Another Country. In http://www.copan.edu.mx/docs/Dessec15-16/InAnotherCountryErnestHeminway.pdf
Hemingway, Ernest. En otro país. In https://triunfoarciniegas.wordpress.com/2012/07/28/ernest-hemingway-en-otro-pais/
Alignment: Michael Lang

169 translation units: 1459 words (English) x 1297 words (Spanish)
Hemingway, Ernest (1927). Hills Like White Elephants. In https://genius.com/Ernest-hemingway-hills-like-white-elephants-annotated
Hemingway, Ernest. Colinas como elefantes blancos. In http://ciudadseva.com/texto/colinas-como-elefantes-blancos/
Alignment: Michael Lang

25 translation units: 291 words (English) x 257 words (Spanish)
Numeroff, Laura (1985). If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.
Numeroff, Laura. Si le das una galletita a un ratón. In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh18InNKuxo
Translator: Teresa Mlawer
Alignment: Michael Lang

6216 translation units: 77829 words (English) x 77910 words (Spanish)
Rowling, J.K. (1997). Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone. In http://www2.sdfi.edu.cn/netclass/jiaoan/englit/download/Harry%20Potter%20and%20the%20Sorcerer%27s%20Stone.pdf
Rowling, J.K. (2000). Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal. Barcelona: Emecé Editores España. In http://nparangaricutiro.gob.mx/Libros/01.-%20Harry%20Potter%20Y%20La%20Piedra%20Filosofal.pdf
Translator: Alicia Dellepiane
Alignment: Michael Lang

1742 translation units: 26657 words (English) x 25301 words (Spanish)
Hemingway, Ernest (1952). The Old Man and the Sea. In https://la.utexas.edu/users/jmciver/Honors/Fiction%202013/Hemmingway_The%20Old%20Man%20and%20the%20Sea_1952.pdf
Hemingway, Ernest (1989). El viejo y el mar. Merida: Editorial Dante. In http://fierasysabandijas.galeon.com/enlaces/libros/viemar.PDF
Alignment: Michael Lang

5188 translation units: 65934 words (English) x 65807 words (Spanish)
Green, John (2012). The Fault in Our Stars. In
Green, John. Bajo la misma estrella. In http://www.afanion.org/bddocumentos/Bajo-la-misma-Estrella.pdf
Alignment: Michael Lang

6628 translation units: 99762 words (English) x 99655 words (Spanish)
Collins, Suzanne (2008). The Hunger Games. In http://www.kkoworld.com/kitablar/suzanna-kollinz-acliq-oyunlari-1-hisse-eng.pdf
Collins, Suzanne (2008). Los juegos del hambre. In https://marcardiferencias.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/1-los-juegos-del-hambre.pdf
Translator:Pilar Ramírez Tello
Alignment: Michael Lang

5981 translation units: 100006 words (English) x 95820 words (Spanish)
Orwell, George (1949). 1984. In https://www.planetebook.com/free-ebooks/1984.pdf
Orwell, George. 1984. In https://ocw.uca.es/pluginfile.php/1485/mod_resource/content/1/1984.pdf
Alignment: Michael Lang

3352 translation units: 64249 words (English) x 67796 words (Spanish)
Woolf, Virginia (1925). Mrs. Dalloway. In https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/w/woolf/virginia/w91md/
Woolf, Virginia. La señora Dalloway. In https://www.getafe.es/wp-content/uploads/Wolf-Virginia-La-Señora-Dalloway.pdf
Alignment: Michael Lang

2038 translation units: 32282 words (English) x 33096 words (Spanish)
WELLS, H.G. 1898 (1992). The Time Machine. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.net), Urbana (Illinois).
WELLS, H.G. La máquina del tiempo.
Person in charge: Paulo Malvar Fernández.

8251 translation units: 178079 words (English) x 139787 words (Spanish)
Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte.
Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte.
Person in charge: Andras Farkas (http://www.farkastranslations.com/ apud http://opus.lingfil.uu.se).

1332 translation units: 26238 words (English) x 26352 words (Spanish)
Lewis Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Lewis Carroll. Alicia en el país de las maravillas.
Person in charge: Andras Farkas (http://www.farkastranslations.com/ apud http://opus.lingfil.uu.se).

6264 translation units: 104227 words (English) x 101373 words (Spanish)
Arthur Conan Doyle. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
Arthur Conan Doyle. Las aventuras de Sherlock Holmes.
Person in charge: Andras Farkas (http://www.farkastranslations.com/ apud http://opus.lingfil.uu.se).

2143 translation units: 120694 words (English) x 98315 words (Spanish)
Daniel Defoe. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
Daniel Defoe. Aventuras de Robinson Crusoe.
Person in charge: Andras Farkas (http://www.farkastranslations.com/ apud http://opus.lingfil.uu.se).

8327 translation units: 401702 words (English) x 372036 words (Spanish)
Miguel de Cervantes. El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha.
Miguel de Cervantes. Don Quixote.
Person in charge: Andras Farkas (http://www.farkastranslations.com/ apud http://opus.lingfil.uu.se).

3. BETA Corpus of English-Spanish television series subtitling

820,393 words, 59,243 translation units: 443,613 words (English) x 376,780 words (Spanish)

636 translation units: 5436 words (English) x 4656 words (Spanish)
House 1x01. Piloto (Pilot - Everybody Lies). 2004. Directed by Bryan Singer.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

641 translation units: 5317 words (English) x 4555 words (Spanish)
House 1x02. Paternidad (Paternity). 2004. Directed by Peter OŽFallon.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

563 translation units: 5331 words (English) x 4530 words (Spanish)
House 1x03. La navaja de Occam (Occam's Razor). 2004. Directed by Bryan Singer.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

550 translation units: 4500 words (English) x 3753 words (Spanish)
House 1x04. Maternidad (Maternity). 2004. Directed by Newton Thomas Sigel.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

661 translation units: 5771 words (English) x 4970 words (Spanish)
House 1x05. Si lo haces, mal, y si no, peor (Damned If You Do). 2004. Directed by Greg Yaitanes.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

628 translation units: 5209 words (English) x 4444 words (Spanish)
House 1x06. Método socrático (The Socratic Method). 2004. Directed by Peter Medak.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

609 translation units: 4910 words (English) x 4171 words (Spanish)
House 1x07. Fidelidad (Fidelity). 2004. Directed by Bryan Spicer.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

570 translation units: 4723 words (English) x 4134 words (Spanish)
House 1x08. Veneno (Poison). 2005. Directed by Guy Ferland.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

614 translation units: 5321 words (English) x 4473 words (Spanish)
House 1x09. RCP (DNR). 2005. Directed by Frederick King Keller.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

642 translation units: 4769 words (English) x 4092 words (Spanish)
House 1x10. Historias (Histories). 2005. Directed by Dan Attias.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

628 translation units: 4739 words (English) x 4254 words (Spanish)
House 1x11. Desintoxicación (Detox). 2005. Directed by Nelson McCormick.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

657 translation units: 5166 words (English) x 4524 words (Spanish)
House 1x12. Medicina deportiva (Sports Medicine). 2005. Directed by Keith Gordon.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

573 translation units: 4670 words (English) x 4179 words (Spanish)
House 1x13. Maldito (Cursed). 2005. Directed by Daniel Sackheim.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

574 translation units: 4752 words (English) x 4014 words (Spanish)
House 1x14. Control (Control). 2005. Directed by Randy Zisk.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

604 translation units: 4930 words (English) x 4315 words (Spanish)
House 1x15. Las reglas de la mafia (Mob Rules). 2005. Directed by Tim Hunter.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

611 translation units: 5509 words (English) x 4544 words (Spanish)
House 1x16. Una cuestión de peso (Heavy). 2005. Directed by Fred Gerber.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

590 translation units: 4906 words (English) x 4056 words (Spanish)
House 1x17. Todo un ejemplo (Role Model). 2005. Directed by Peter O'Fallon.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

612 translation units: 4816 words (English) x 4116 words (Spanish)
House 1x18. Prioridades (Babies & Bathwater). 2005. Directed by Bill Johnson.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

603 translation units: 4613 words (English) x 3844 words (Spanish)
House 1x19. Chicas (Kids). 2005. Directed by Deran Sarafian.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

682 translation units: 4989 words (English) x 4241 words (Spanish)
House 1x20. El amor hace daño (Love Hurts). 2005. Directed by Bryan Spicer.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

616 translation units: 4841 words (English) x 4109 words (Spanish)
House 1x21. Tres historias (Three Stories). 2005. Directed by Paris Barclay.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

573 translation units: 4459 words (English) x 3784 words (Spanish)
House 1x22. Luna de miel (Honeymoon). 2005. Directed by Frederick King Keller.
Translation source: Netflix
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

783 translation units: 6723 words (English) x 6454 words (Spanish)
Nurses who kill 1x01. Beverley Allitt. 2016.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Martín Domingorena.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

804 translation units: 6496 words (English) x 5953 words (Spanish)
Nurses who kill 1x02. Ben Geen. 2016.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Raquel Alejo.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

820 translation units: 6591 words (English) x 5827 words (Spanish)
Nurses who kill 1x03. Genene Jones. 2016.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Belén Rivas.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

830 translation units: 6062 words (English) x 5677 words (Spanish)
Nurses who kill 1x04. Daniela Poggiali. 2016.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Belén Martínez Navarro.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

741 translation units: 6143 words (English) x 5548 words (Spanish)
Nurses who kill 1x05. Stephan Letter. 2016.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Juan Villena Mateos.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

776 translation units: 6455 words (English) x 5847 words (Spanish)
Nurses who kill 1x06. Kimberly Saenz. 2016.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Cristina Zapata.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

713 translation units: 5958 words (English) x 5389 words (Spanish)
Nurses who kill 1x07. Niels H. 2016.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Belén Rivas.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

724 translation units: 6448 words (English) x 6043 words (Spanish)
Nurses who kill 1x08. Colin Norris. 2016.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Irene Díaz Hernández.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

716 translation units: 5669 words (English) x 5200 words (Spanish)
Nurses who kill 1x09. Victorino Chua. 2016.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Arturo Fernández.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

726 translation units: 5876 words (English) x 5335 words (Spanish)
Nurses who kill 1x10. Charles Cullen. 2016.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Juan Villena Mateos.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

819 translation units: 6134 words (English) x 4667 words (Spanish)
Turno de noche - The Night Shift 1x01. Piloto (Pilot). 2014. Directed by Pierre Morel.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Juan Rico.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

863 translation units: 6211 words (English) x 4771 words (Spanish)
Turno de noche - The Night Shift 1x02. Segundas oportunidades (Second Chances). 2014. Directed by Bill Johnson.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Juan Rico.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

771 translation units: 5392 words (English) x 4295 words (Spanish)
Turno de noche - The Night Shift 1x03. Criaturas salvajes (Hog Wild). 2014. Directed by Sanford Bookstaver.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Juan Rico.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

796 translation units: 6116 words (English) x 4943 words (Spanish)
Turno de noche - The Night Shift 1x04. Dignidad ante todo (Grace Under Fire). 2014. Directed by Kevin Dowling.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Juan Rico.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

871 translation units: 6387 words (English) x 4384 words (Spanish)
Turno de noche - The Night Shift 1x05. Tormenta (Storm Watch). 2014. Directed by Eriq La Salle.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Jota Martínez Galiana.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

794 translation units: 6067 words (English) x 4466 words (Spanish)
Turno de noche - The Night Shift 1x06. Regreso a casa (Coming Home). 2014. Directed by David Boyd.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Jota Martínez Galiana.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

886 translation units: 6257 words (English) x 4269 words (Spanish)
Turno de noche - The Night Shift 1x07. Hermanos de sangre (Blood Brothers). 2014. Directed by Martha Coolidge.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Antonio Núñez.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

896 translation units: 6167 words (English) x 4133 words (Spanish)
Turno de noche - The Night Shift 1x08. Sálvame (Save Me). 2014. Directed by Vincent Misiano.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Antonio Núñez.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

1139 translation units: 8699 words (English) x 9702 words (Spanish)
Fuego en la sangre (Fire in the blood). 2012. Directed by Dylan Mohan Gray.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Celia Recarey.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

1567 translation units: 14648 words (English) x 12408 words (Spanish)
Matones con receta (Prescription thugs). 2015. Directed by Chris Bell, Josh Alexander and Greg Young.
Source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

1247 translation units: 8502 words (English) x 9165 words (Spanish)
Resistencia (Resistance). 2014. Directed by Michael Graziano.
Source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

1761 translation units: 12451 words (English) x 11408 words (Spanish)
The C Word. 2016. Directed by Meghan OŽHara.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Maria Bella Alhama Riego.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

1147 translation units: 8426 words (English) x 6934 words (Spanish)
Unrest. 2017. Directed by Jennifer Brea.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Marta Aulet.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

556 translation units: 3969 words (English) x 3051 words (Spanish)
Big Mouth 1x01. Eyaculación (Ejaculation). 2017. Directed by Joel Moser.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: E. Carballeira
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

490 translation units: 3970 words (English) x 2986 words (Spanish)
Big Mouth 1x02. Todas sangramos (Everybody Bleeds). 2017. Directed by Bryan Francis.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: E. Carballeira
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

536 translation units: 4227 words (English) x 3300 words (Spanish)
Big Mouth 1x03. ¿Soy gay? (Am I Gay?). 2017. Directed by Mike L. Mayfield.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: E. Carballeira
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

548 translation units: 4212 words (English) x 3224 words (Spanish)
Big Mouth 1x04. Fiesta de pijamas:desgarrador calvario de brutalidad emocional (Sleepover: A Harrowing Ordeal of Emotional Brutality). 2017. Directed by Joel Moser.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: E. Carballeira
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

558 translation units: 4201 words (English) x 3223 words (Spanish)
Big Mouth 1x05. Las chicas también están salidas (Girls Are Horny Too). 2017. Directed by Bryan Francis.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: E. Carballeira
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

582 translation units: 4332 words (English) x 3365 words (Spanish)
Big Mouth 1x06. Conversaciones con la almohada (Pillow Talk). 2017. Directed by Mike L. Mayfield.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: E. Carballeira
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

580 translation units: 4212 words (English) x 3183 words (Spanish)
Big Mouth 1x07. Réquiem por un sueño húmedo (Requiem for a Wet Dream). 2017. Directed by Joel Moser.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: E. Carballeira
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

599 translation units: 4151 words (English) x 3146 words (Spanish)
Big Mouth 1x08. El empujacabezas (The Head Push). 2017. Directed by Bryan Francis.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: E. Carballeira
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

537 translation units: 3992 words (English) x 3085 words (Spanish)
Big Mouth 1x09. Yo sobreviví el Bat Mitzvah de Jessi (I Survived Jessi's Bat Mitzvah). 2017. Directed by Mike L. Mayfield.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: E. Carballeira
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

588 translation units: 4326 words (English) x 3326 words (Spanish)
Big Mouth 1x10. Pornolandia (The Pornscape). 2017. Directed by Joel Moser.
Source: Netflix. Translated by: E. Carballeira
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

559 translation units: 4067 words (English) x 3187 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x01. BoJack Horseman: La historia de BoJack Horseman, capítulo uno (BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One). 2014. Directed by Joel Moser.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

541 translation units: 4113 words (English) x 3438 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x02. BoJack odia a los soldados (BoJack Hates the Troops). 2014. Directed by J.C. Gonzalez.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

472 translation units: 4252 words (English) x 3582 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x03. Muffin picante (Prickly-Muffin). 2014. Directed by Martin Cendreda.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

484 translation units: 3906 words (English) x 3407 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x04. Entre Zoe y Zelda (Zoës and Zeldas). 2014. Directed by Amy Winfrey.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

510 translation units: 4195 words (English) x 3554 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x05. Corre Diane Nguyen, corre (Live Fast, Diane Nguyen). 2014. Directed by Joel Moser.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

471 translation units: 4027 words (English) x 3486 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x06. Relación turbulenta (Our A-Story is a "D" Story). 2014. Directed by J.C. Gonzalez.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

503 translation units: 4208 words (English) x 3706 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x07. Di algo (Say Anything). 2014. Directed by Martin Cendreda.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

488 translation units: 4196 words (English) x 3522 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x08. El telescopio (The Telescope). 2014. Directed by Amy Winfrey.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

508 translation units: 4209 words (English) x 3613 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x09. Caballo conmocionado (Horse Majeure). 2014. Directed by Joel Moser.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

487 translation units: 4449 words (English) x 3823 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x10. Caballo de batalla (One Trick Pony). 2014. Directed by J.C. Gonzalez.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

482 translation units: 3682 words (English) x 2983 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x11. Final infeliz (Downer Ending). 2014. Directed by Amy Winfrey.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

478 translation units: 4162 words (English) x 3607 words (Spanish)
BoJack Horseman 1x12. Siempre hay un después (Later). 2014. Directed by Martin Cendreda.
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

508 translation units: 3236 words (English) x 2815 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x01. Quien lo encuentre, para él (Finders Keepers). 2013. Directed by John Holmquist
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

549 translation units: 3268 words (English) x 2702 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x02. Vestigio de Peter (Vestigial Peter). 2013. Directed by Julius Wu
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

562 translation units: 3469 words (English) x 2891 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x03. La pesadilla de Quagmire (Quagmire's Quagmire). 2013. Directed by Pete Michels
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

530 translation units: 3026 words (English) x 2546 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x04. Un puñado de Meg (A Fistful of Meg). 2013. Directed by Joe Vaux
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

465 translation units: 3019 words (English) x 2652 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x05. Bopa Di Bapa D ( Boopa-dee Bappa-dee). 2013. Directed by Mike Kim
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

476 translation units: 3107 words (English) x 2503 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x06. Vida de Brian ( Life of Brian). 2013. Directed by Joseph Lee
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

506 translation units: 3176 words (English) x 2833 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x07. En peligro de armonía (Into Harmony's Way). 2013. Directed by Brian Iles
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

493 translation units: 3314 words (English) x 3094 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x08. El hombre de Navidad (Christmas Guy). 2013. Directed by Greg Colton
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

452 translation units: 3012 words (English) x 2533 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x09. Los problemas de Peter (Peter Problems). 2014. Directed by Bob Bowen
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

399 translation units: 2677 words (English) x 2214 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x10. Cuentos de Grimm (Grimm Job). 2014. Directed by Joe Vaux
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

483 translation units: 3238 words (English) x 2854 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x11. Brian es un mal padre (Brian's a Bad Father). 2014. Directed by Jerry Langford
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

470 translation units: 3121 words (English) x 2862 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x12. Palabra de mamá (Mom's the Word). 2014. Directed by John Holmquist
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

501 translation units: 3478 words (English) x 3160 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x13. Nuevo heredero (Fresh Heir). 2014. Directed by Mike Kim
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

475 translation units: 3027 words (English) x 2594 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x14. Fumador pasivo (Secondhand Spoke). 2014. Directed by Julius Wu
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

523 translation units: 3218 words (English) x 2759 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x15. Herpes, la calentura del amor (Herpe, the Love Sore). 2014. Directed by Greg Colton
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

519 translation units: 3185 words (English) x 2810 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x16. El hombre más interesante del mundo (The Most Interesting Man in the World). 2014. Directed by Joseph Lee
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

466 translation units: 2903 words (English) x 2540 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x17. El niño pilla negro (Baby Got Black). 2014. Directed by Brian Iles
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

492 translation units: 3037 words (English) x 2601 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x18. ¡Meg, apesta! (Meg Stinks!). 2014. Directed by Bob Bowen
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

478 translation units: 3045 words (English) x 2803 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x19. El negro ha vuelto (He's Bla-ack!). 2014. Directed by Steve Robertson
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

439 translation units: 2850 words (English) x 2448 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x20. Stewie el inglés (Chap Stewie). 2014. Directed by Joe Vaux
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

504 translation units: 3308 words (English) x 2958 words (Spanish)
Padre de Familia (Family Guy) 12x21. Tres actos de fuerza mayor (3 Acts of God). 2014. Directed by Bob Bowen
Translation source: Netflix.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

348 translation units: 1674 words (English) x 1155 words (Spanish)
The End of the F***ing World 01x01. Episodio 1 (Episode 1). 2017. Directed by Jonathan Entwistle
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Aida Lozano.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

338 translation units: 1679 words (English) x 1246 words (Spanish)
The End of the F***ing World 01x02. Episodio 2 (Episode 2). 2017. Directed by Jonathan Entwistle
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Aida Lozano.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

316 translation units: 1428 words (English) x 862 words (Spanish)
The End of the F***ing World 01x03. Episodio 3 (Episode 3). 2017. Directed by Jonathan Entwistle
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Aida Lozano.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

352 translation units: 1678 words (English) x 1229 words (Spanish)
The End of the F***ing World 01x04. Episodio 4 (Episode 4). 2017. Directed by Jonathan Entwistle
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Aida Lozano.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

305 translation units: 1389 words (English) x 935 words (Spanish)
The End of the F***ing World 01x05. Episodio 5 (Episode 5). 2017. Directed by Jonathan Entwistle and Lucy Tcherniak
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Aida Lozano.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

361 translation units: 1797 words (English) x 1267 words (Spanish)
The End of the F***ing World 01x06. Episodio 6 (Episode 6). 2017. Directed by Lucy Tcherniak
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Aida Lozano.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

401 translation units: 1866 words (English) x 1336 words (Spanish)
The End of the F***ing World 01x07. Episodio 7 (Episode 7). 2017. Directed by Lucy Tcherniak
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Aida Lozano.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.

348 translation units: 1775 words (English) x 1205 words (Spanish)
The End of the F***ing World 01x08. Episodio 8 (Episode 8). 2017. Directed by Lucy Tcherniak
Source: Netflix. Translated by: Aida Lozano.
Person in charge: Andrés Guerrero.