EN Instantly, with the force of some primeval gust (for really he could not restrain himself any longer), there issued from him such a groan that any other woman in the whole world would have done something, said something --all except myself, thought Lily, girding at herself bitterly, who am not a woman, but a peevish, ill-tempered, dried-up old maid presumably.
GL De súpeto, coa forza dunha arroutada ancestral (pois, realmente, non se podía conter máis tempo), botou tal laio que obrigaría a calquera outra muller do mundo a facer algo, a dicir algo: a calquera menos a min, pensou Lily, repregándose amargamente en si mesma, que non son unha muller, senón presumiblemente unha solteirona reseca, rosmona e mexeriqueira.
Fonte: CAR (2336)
EN A gust of air whirled round me as I opened the door, and from within came the sound of broken glass falling on the floor.
GL Rodeoume unha raxada de vento ó abri-la porta, e dende dentro chegou un son de vidros rotos ó caeren no chan.
Fonte: TEM (2007)
EN Jack, who had said nothing, began to choke and cough; and a gust of wind set all three spluttering.
GL Jack, que aínda non dixera nada, sufocouse e comezou a tusir; un refacho de vento fixo que todos cuspisen.
Fonte: SEN (3564)