moi severo
EN "We are worried that Dakar is going to turn into another talking shop where everyone reaffirms things already agreed, sets new targets and then, as after Jomtien, goes home, cuts the aid budget and allows debt problems to continue undermining education systems of Third World countries," says Kevin Watkins of Oxfam International, author of a hard-hitting report on education and poverty (see box p. 36).
GL "Non quixeramos que en Dacar todo quede en palabras, que se fixen novas metas e logo se restrinxa o orzamento de asistencia e se deixe outra vez que o problema da débeda siga minando os sistemas de ensino do Terceiro Mundo", sostén Kevin Watkins, da ONG Oxfam International, autor dun informe moi severo sobre a educación e a pobreza (ver recadro p. 36).
Fonte: C02 (38)