intransitive verb
EN As I hesitated, two of the beautiful Upper-world people came running in their amorous sport across the daylight in the shadow.
GL Mentres dubidaba, dúas persoas fermosas do Mundo Superior viñeron correndo ó seu xeito amoroso, atravesando a luz do día ata chegaren á sombra.
Fonte: TEM (1055)
EN Because of his very great love, he could not steal from this man, but from any other man, in any other camp, he did not hesitate an instant; while the cunning with which he stole enabled him to escape detection.
GL O amor que sentía obrigábao a serlle fiel a aquel amo, pero non vacilaría un instante en traicionar a furto, para non ser sorprendido, a outro amo calquera en calquera outro campamento.
Fonte: CHA (1210)
EN When we talk about home, we tend to hesitate, to go by feel.
GL Cando un fala da súa terra, titubea, vai ás apalpadelas.
Fonte: C03 (580)