EN There were no attendants at home; they had absconded to make merry in honour of the time.
GL Os serventes non estaban na casa, pois fuxiran para se divertir celebrando o entroido.
Fonte: CAS (52)
EN I will not serve that in which I no longer believe, whether it call itself my home, my fatherland, or my church: and I will try to express myself in some mode of life or art as freely as I can and as wholly as I can, using for my defence the only arms I allow myself to use -- silence, exile, and cunning.
GL Non servirei aquilo no que non creo, chámese o meu fogar, a miña patria ou a miña Igrexa; e tentarei expresarme nalgunha maneira de arte ou de vida tan ceibe e tan enteiramente como poida, empregando na miña defensa as armas que me permito usar: silencio, exilio e astucia.
Fonte: RET (5014)
EN For first, as I have already observed, it would greatly lessen the number of papists, with whom we are yearly overrun, being the principal breeders of the nation as well as our most dangerous enemies; and who stay at home on purpose with a design to deliver the kingdom to the Pretender, hoping to take their advantage by the absence of so many good protestants, who have chosen rather to leave their country than stay at home and pay tithes against their conscience to an episcopal curate.
GL En primeiro lugar, como xa observei, minguaría moitísimo o número de papistas, que nos superan cada ano, sendo os principais reproductores da nación así como os nosos peores inimigos e os que fican nos seus fogares co propósito de entregárenlle o reino ó Pretendente, esperando que aproveite a ausencia de moitos protestantes bos que preferiron deixa-lo país antes que ficar no lar e pagar décimos en contra das súas conciencias a un bispo.
Fonte: PRO (38)
EN She would go into the maids' bedrooms at night and find them sealed like ovens, except for Marie's, the Swiss girl, who would rather go without a bath than without fresh air, but then at home, she had said, 'the mountains are so beautiful'.
GL Se entraba pola noite nos dormitorios das criadas atopábaos pechados hermeticamente coma fornos, fóra do de Marie, a rapaza suíza, que de mellor grado prescindía do baño ca do aire puro, porque, segundo dixera, alá na súa terra «¡son tan fermosas as montañas!».
Fonte: CAR (298)
EN Similar financial concerns abound in Hong Kong, home to headline-grabbing art-house directors like Fruit Chan and Stanley Kwan.
GL En Hong Kong, patria de realizadores coma Fruit Chan e Stanley Kwan, tamén se acumulan os problemas financeiros.
Fonte: C03 (398)
EN The politician who really has Galicia's interests at heart will work for three things: increase of communications, improvement of agriculture, and encouragement of small (home) industries, such as pottery, lace, sandals, etc.
GL O político que realmente comparta os intereses de Galicia no seu corazón ha traballar polos seguintes tres obxectivos: extensión das comunicacións, mellora da agricultura e fomento de pequenas industrias familiares, tales coma cerámica, encaixes, calzado, etc.
Fonte: GAL (118)
de orixe
EN And because the school is unlicensed, they face difficulties re-entering the educational mainstream to continue in higher grades, though many, once they reach the age of 12, return to their home provinces to continue their schooling while living with relatives.
GL Como a escola non está recoñecida, tampouco lles resulta fácil reincorporarse ó sistema escolar clásico. Sen embargo, son moitos os que desde os 12 anos regresan á súa provincia de orixe, onde son acollidos por parentes, co fin de proseguiren a súa escolaridade.
Fonte: C08 (778)