horrible, · horríbel
EN Wolfgang's heart sickened within him, and he was turning shuddering from the horrible engine, when he beheld a shadowy form, cowering as it were at the foot of the steps which led up to the scaffold.
GL O corazón de Wolfgang fíxolle sentir noxo no seu interior. Xa lle estaba dando as costas, totalmente arrepiado, a aquel horrible instrumento, cando enxergou unha forma indefinida que estaba encollida ó pé dos chanzos que conducían ó patíbulo.
Fonte: EXP (33)
terrible, · terríbel
EN In 1920, the first international voluntary work camp was organized in Esnes, a village near Verdun (France), an area ravaged by the horrible battle that took some one million lives during the war.
GL En 1920, o primeiro campamento internacional de traballo voluntario foi organizado en Esnes, unha aldea campesiña próxima a Verdún (Francia), rexión decimada pola terrible batalla que produciu un millón de víctimas.
Fonte: C06 (166)
EN Then he said, 'This fall I think you're riding for --it's a special kind of fall, a horrible kind'.
GL Dixo: --Penso que estás a pique de caer dun xeito especial, e arrepiante.
Fonte: VIX (6170)