EN Lavatory. Is there a lavatory? Martins said.
GL O retrete --pediu Martins--. ¿Onde queda o retrete?
Fonte: TER (1400)
cuarto de baño
EN Once he had washed his hands in the lavatory of the Wicklow Hotel and his father pulled the stopper up by the chain after and the dirty water went down through the hole in the basin.
GL Unha vez Stephen lavara as mans no cuarto de baño do Hotel Wicklow e o seu pai, despois, erguera o tapón coa cadea e a auga sucia marchara polo buraco da pía.
Fonte: RET (112)
EN We chose those rocks right along beyond the bathing-pool as a lavatory.
GL Escolleramos aquelas rochas máis alá da poza como latrina.
Fonte: SEN (2208)