EN At the same instant Buck peered out where the spruce-bough lodge had been and saw what made his hair leap straight up on his neck and shoulders.
GL Niso mirou cara ó lugar onde se erguía a cabana de madeira e viu algo que lle arrepiou tódolos pelos do corpo.
Fonte: CHA (1607)
EN Another time they chanced upon the time-graven wreckage of a hunting lodge, and amid the shreds of rotted blankets John Thornton found a long-barrelled flint-lock.
GL Noutra ocasión atoparon os restos dun refuxio de cazadores, e entre unha morea de mantas putrefactas atopou John Thorton unha espingarda de mecha e cano ancho.
Fonte: CHA (1443)
transitive verb
EN Apart from the habit of exaggeration which they had from her, and from the implication (which was true) that she asked too many people to stay, and had to lodge some in the town, she could not bear incivility to her guests, to young men in particular.
GL Deixando a un lado o costume da esaxeración que herdaban dela, e a imputación (atinada) de que convidaba xente de máis a quedar, e logo tiña que aloxar algúns deles na vila, ela non podía atura-la descortesía cos seus convidados, especialmente cos rapaces novos.
Fonte: CAR (28)
EN If the International Patrol made an arrest, they had to lodge their prisoner for twenty-four hours at the International Headquarters.
GL Cando a Policía Internacional practicaba unha detención, durante vintecatro horas tiña que albergar ao prisoneiro no Cuartel Xeral Internacional.
Fonte: TER (1835)
EN When one of them is beaten or wrongly accused of something, she can count on the support of others and can lodge a complaint.
GL Cando unha delas é golpeada ou acusada inxustamente, pode contar co apoio das demais e presentar unha denuncia.
Fonte: C20 (1002)