EN The afternoon sun slanted in from the other side of the platform and most of the children, feeling too late the smart of sunburn, had put their clothes on.
GL O sol da tarde batía dexergado dende o outro cabo da plataforma e moitos dos rapaces, sentindo quizais un pouco tarde a fogaxe do sol, puxeran a roupa.
Fonte: SEN (753)
transitive verb
PAST: sunburned, sunburnt; PART: sunburned, sunburnt |
torrar polo sol
EN In this way they journeyed through the stern passes of the Sierra Morena, across the sunburnt plains of La Mancha and Castile, and along the banks of the "Golden Tagus," which winds its wizard mazes over one half of Spain and Portugal.
GL E deste xeito cruzaron esgrevios pasos da Serra Morena, atravesaron as chairas da Mancha e de Castela torradas polo sol, e viaxaron ó son das beiras do "Texo de ouro", que serpea cos seus meigos labirintos por unha metade de España e mais Portugal.
Fonte: ALH (633)