EN It had shocked him, too, when he had felt for the first time beneath his tremulous fingers the brittle texture of a woman's stocking for, retaining nothing of all he read save that which seemed to him an echo or a prophecy of his own state, it was only amid soft-worded phrases or within rose-soft stuff's that he dared to conceive of the soul or body of a woman moving with tender life.
GL Sentírase desilusionado, da mesma maneira, cando notara por primeira vez entre os dedos trementes a fráxil textura dunha media de muller; e pois que das súas lecturas soamente retía o que lle semellaba eco ou profecía do seu propio estado, era tan só entre frases de palabras suaves e tecidos delicados e rosáceos que ousaba concibir a alma ou o corpo dunha muller, tenramente animado.
Fonte: RET (3124)