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You searched for the expression cenrada among the lemmas in the Dictionary of Dictionaries without taking into account the accentuation of the word or the difference b/v

- Number of definitions found: 3
- Distribution by dictionaries: Carré (1951) (1), Franco (1972) (1), Carré (1979) (1)

Leandro Carré Alvarellos (1951): Diccionario galego-castelán, Terceira Edizón, A Coruña, Roel
cenrada s. f.

Cernada, lejía hecha con ceniza.

X. L. Franco Grande (1972): Diccionario galego-castelán, 2ª ed., Galaxia, Vigo
cenrada s. f.

Cernada, lejía hecha con ceniza.

Leandro Carré Alvarellos (1979): Diccionario galego-castelán e Vocabulario castelán -galego, A Coruña, Moret
Cenrada s. f.

Cernada, lejía hecha con ceniza.