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You searched for the expression decatar among the lemmas in the Dictionary of Dictionaries without taking into account the accentuation of the word or the difference b/v

- Number of definitions found: 2
- Distribution by dictionaries: Anónimo, (1845c) (1), Ibañez (1950) (1)

Anónimo, (1845c): Vozes gallegas, ed. de J. Leitede Vasconcellos, RL vol VII fasc 3, p. 198-229 (ms 7208 BN)
decatar o decatarsev.

Hacerse cargo. Recordar. Echar de ver

José Ibáñez Fernández (1950): Diccionario galego da rima e galego-castelán, Madrid
decatarv. a. y r.

Advertir. Recordar. Percatar.