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You searched for the expression estoupado among the lemmas in the Dictionary of Dictionaries

- Number of definitions found: 3
- Distribution by dictionaries: Aguirre (1858) (1), Cuveiro (1876) (1), Porto (1900c) (1)

Luís Aguirre del Río (1858): Diccionario del dialecto gallego, ed. de Carme Hermida Gulías, CSIC-IPS, 2007

Rebentado, echo astillas, destrozado.

Juan Cuveiro Piñol (1876): Diccionario Gallego, Barcelona


Francisco Porto Rey (1900c): Diccionario gallego-castellano, ed. de María Xesús Bugarín e Begoña González Rei;, A Coruña, Real Academia Galega, 2000
estoupado ,-da p. p.

de estoupar.