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You searched for the expression folecra among the lemmas in the Dictionary of Dictionaries

- Number of definitions found: 3
- Distribution by dictionaries: AO (1953) (1), CGarcía (1985) (2)

Aníbal Otero Álvarez (1953): Contribución al léxico gallego y asturiano, Archivum (Oviedo) III, pp. 113-134

Prov. trasm. 'Castanha chocha ou sem polpa'. CF. Del lat. follis. (CLGA01)

Constantino García González (1985): Glosario de voces galegas de hoxe, Universidade de Santiago, Verba, anexo 27
folecra f.

1. var. de folerca;


2. var. de folepa 2.