Galnet - WordNet 3.0 do Galego

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ili-30-00025238-a CILI: i121
WordNet Domains: chemistry
SUMO Ontology: Substance+
Top Ontology:
Basic Level Concept:
Epinonyms: [1] chemical_science
[1] chemical_science |0,95|
[0] ili-30-00025238-a (category) |0,95|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0.125
ML-SentiCon: 0.375 0
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0 0 1

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
GL Variantes
- acídico · [RILG] [DRAG]
- ácido [ˈaθiðo̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
que é ou que contén un ácido; dunha solución que ten un exceso de átomos de hidróxeno; que ten o pH inferior a 7
CA Variantes
- àcid
- acídic
ES Variantes
- acídico
- ácido
EN Variantes
- acidic [ə'sɪdɪk]
being or containing an acid; of a solution having an excess of hydrogen atoms (having a pH of less than 7)
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (23) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
00025470-a: having the characteristics of an acid
00025633-a: yielding an acid in aqueous solution
00025728-a: relating to or containing an alkali; having a pH greater than 7
00026515-a: having characteristics of both an acid and a base and capable of reacting as either
06084469-n: the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions
01555416-a: (comparative of `little' usually used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning not as great in amount or degree
05039106-n: (from potential of Hydrogen) the logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen-ion concentration in gram atoms per liter; provides a measure on a scale from 0 to 14 of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution (where 7 is neutral and greater than 7 is more basic and less than 7 is more acidic);
05119714-n: a quantity much larger than is needed
14589223-n: a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances; frequently (but not necessarily) a liquid solution
14607521-n: any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt
14640756-n: an atom of hydrogen
00026706-a: thriving in a relatively acidic environment (especially of plants requiring a pH well below 7)
00264875-v: turn acidic
00265094-v: turn basic and less acidic
01348388-n: archaebacteria that thrive in strongly acidic environments at high temperatures
05039106-n: (from potential of Hydrogen) the logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen-ion concentration in gram atoms per liter; provides a measure on a scale from 0 to 14 of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution (where 7 is neutral and greater than 7 is more basic and less than 7 is more acidic);
12229651-n: wiry evergreen shrub having pendent clusters of white or pink flowers; of wet acidic areas in Arctic and Canada to northeastern United States
12229887-n: erect to procumbent evergreen shrub having pendent clusters of white or pink flowers; of sphagnum peat bogs and other wet acidic areas in northern Europe
14020558-n: acidosis in which the acidity results from lack of food which leads to fat catabolism which in turn releases acidic ketone bodies
14021118-n: a condition in which the urine (which is normally slightly acidic) is alkaline
14609198-n: an indicator that changes color on going from acidic to basic solutions
14770631-n: a red-brown azo dye especially as a chemical pH indicator (congo red is red in basic and blue in acidic solutions)
14796073-n: a toxic white soluble crystalline acidic derivative of benzene; used in manufacturing and as a disinfectant and antiseptic; poisonous if taken internally
14989545-n: any of a class of weakly acidic organic compounds; molecule contains one or more hydroxyl groups