Galnet - Galician WordNet 3.0

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ili-30-00026168-a CILI: i126
WordNet Domains: chemistry
SUMO Ontology: Substance+
Top Ontology:
Basic Level Concept:
Epinonyms: [1] chemical_science
[1] chemical_science |0.95|
[0] ili-30-00026168-a (category) |0.95|
  positive negative
SentiWordNet: 0.25 0
ML-SentiCon: 0.125 0.125
  past present future atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0 0 1

Explore the terminological domain with [Termonet]
PT Variants
- básico [bˈaziku]
de ou denotando ou da natureza de ou contendo uma base
CA Variants
- bàsic
ES Variants
- básico
EN Variants
- basic ['beɪsɪk]
of or denoting or of the nature of or containing a base
DE Variants
- basisch
FR Variants
- basique
Lexical relations in WordNet via ILI (2) - Show / Hide graph:
00025728-a: relating to or containing an alkali; having a pH greater than 7
06084469-n: the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions