Galnet - WordNet 3.0 do Galego

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Galego | English

Procurar variantes en 
ili-30-01339623-n CILI: i42395
WordNet Domains: biology
SUMO Ontology: Virus+
Top Ontology: 1stOrderEntity+ Living+
Basic Level Concept: 01335659-n animal_virus
Epinonyms: [4] micro-organism
[4] micro-organism |1|
[3] ili-30-01328702-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[2] ili-30-01335659-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[1] ili-30-01338685-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-01339623-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0 0 1

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
EN Variantes
- Epstein-Barr_virus
the herpes virus that causes infectious mononucleosis; associated with specific cancers in Africa and China
FR Variantes
- HHV-4
- virus_d'Epstein-Barr
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (8) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
01338685-n: any of the animal viruses that cause painful blisters on the skin
00713167-v: make a logical or causal connection
01338685-n: any of the animal viruses that cause painful blisters on the skin
08723006-n: a communist nation that covers a vast territory in eastern Asia; the most populous country in the world
08730550-n: a government on the island of Taiwan established in 1949 by Chiang Kai-shek after the conquest of mainland China by the Communists led by Mao Zedong
09189411-n: the second largest continent; located to the south of Europe and bordered to the west by the South Atlantic and to the east by the Indian Ocean
14135277-n: an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and an abnormal increase of mononuclear leucocytes or monocytes in the bloodstream; not highly contagious; some believe it can be transmitted by kissing
14239918-n: any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division; it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the blood stream