Galnet - WordNet 3.0 do Galego

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Pescudas no Galnet

Galego | English

Procurar variantes en 
ili-30-02598765-v CILI: i34682
WordNet Domains: factotum
SUMO Ontology: Meeting+
Top Ontology: Dynamic# social#
Basic Level Concept:
Epinonyms: [4] state
[4] state |0,9|
[3] ili-30-13928668-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[2] ili-30-13931145-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[1] ili-30-13929588-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-02598765-v (gloss) |0,6|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0.002 0 0.998 0

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
GL Variantes
- acompañar [akompaˈɲaɾ] · [RILG] [DRAG]
CA Variantes
- unir-se
ES Variantes
- juntarse
- unirse
EN Variantes
- join ['dʒɔɪn]
She joined him for a drink
come into the company of
ZH_S Variantes
- 加入
- 参加
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (2) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
13929588-n: the state of being with someone
06552470-n: the opinion joined by a majority of the court (generally known simply as `the opinion')