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ili-30-06277803-n CILI: i69500
WordNet Domains: telecommunication tv
SUMO Ontology: Icon+
Basic Level Concept: 00033020-n communication
Epinonyms: [1] visual_communication
[1] visual_communication |1|
[0] ili-30-06277803-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positive negative
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  past present future atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0.001956 0 0.976044 0.022

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GL Variants
- imaxe [iˈmaʃe̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
- vídeo [ˈbiðe̯o̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
O sinal de vídeo amplifícase e logo muda en sincronismo coas tres fontes de luz ultravioleta que son seriadas polo espello xiratorio de maneira que durante unha vixésima parte dun segundo só se ve unha lonxitude de onda, que se corresponde con vermello, verde ou azul. [e25 (22)] SemCor Corpus
PT Variants
- imagem [imˈaʒɐ̃j]
- vídeo [vˈidju]
a parte visível de uma transmissão de televisão
CA Variants
- imatge
encara hi havia so pero la imatge havia desaparegut
- vídeo
Part visible d'una retransmissió televisiva
EU Variants
- iduri
- irudi
RTR telebista kateak zabaldutako irudietan, Serjent-Iurtez jabetu diren soldadu errusiarrek gerrilla txetxeniarraren kanpaleku bat atzeman zuten herri hau inguratzen duen oihanean ezkutaturik
telebista-transmisio batean ikusgai dagoena
ES Variants
- imagen
- vídeo
EN Variants
- picture ['pɪktʃɝ]
they could still receive the sound but the picture was gone
- video ['vɪdioʊ]
the visible part of a television transmission
FR Variants
- image
- vidéo
Lexical relations in WordNet via ILI (12) - Show / Hide graph:
06873252-n: communication that relies on vision
06277280-n: broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects
04405907-n: an electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen
06251781-n: communication by means of transmitted signals
02671202-a: of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
03559373-n: the first practical television-camera for picture pickup; invented in 1923 by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin
03617594-n: a cathode-ray tube in a television receiver; translates the received signal into a picture on a luminescent screen
03856728-n: a now obsolete picture pickup tube in a television camera; electrons emitted from a photoemissive surface in proportion to the intensity of the incident light are focused onto the target causing secondary emission of electrons
03952277-n: (computer science) the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot)
04063661-n: a signal that encodes something (e.g., picture or sound) that has been recorded
06278475-n: a television system that has more than the usual number of lines per frame so its pictures show more detail
13820544-n: the ratio of the width to the height of a tv picture