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ili-30-08053407-n CILI: i79531
WordNet Domains: politics
SUMO Ontology: Government+
Top Ontology: Function+ Group+ Human+
Basic Level Concept: 08050678-n authorities
Epinonyms: [1] government
[1] government |0.95|
[0] ili-30-08053407-n (category) |0.95|
  positive negative
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  past present future atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0.003 0 0.997 0

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CA Variants
- soviet
El primer soviet van ser creat per Lev Trotski
El govern de la Unió Soviètica
ES Variants
- sóviet
El primer soviet fue creado por Lev Trotski
El gobierno de la Unión soviética
EN Variants
- Soviets ['soʊviˌɛts]
the Soviets said they wanted to increase trade with Europe
FR Variants
- Soviétique
Lexical relations in WordNet via ILI (5) - Show / Hide graph:
08178547-n: the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state
06148148-n: the study of government of states and other political units
08050678-n: the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit
09003284-n: a former communist country in eastern Europe and northern Asia; established in 1922; included Russia and 14 other soviet socialist republics (Ukraine and Byelorussia and others); officially dissolved 31 December 1991
11163342-n: Afghan leader of forces opposed to the Taliban; won fame by successfully resisting the Soviets in the 1980s; was assassinated by men posing as journalists (1953-2001)