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ili-30-08440630-n CILI: i81479
WordNet Domains: politics sociology
SUMO Ontology: Government+
Top Ontology: Group+ Human+
Basic Level Concept: 00031264-n group
Epinonyms: [2] form_of_government
[2] form_of_government |1|
[1] ili-30-08361001-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-08440630-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0.5
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0.006 0 0.994 0

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
GL Variantes
- absolutismo [absoluˈtismo̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
- autoritarismo [awtoɾitaˈɾismo̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
En cada un destes últimos, o proceso marcou o inicio dun novo curso: en Moscova o exterminio dos vellos bolxeviques e o endurecemento do autoritarismo de Stalin, nos Estados Unidos a introdución do anticomunismo militante, co ex comunista arrepentido na vangarda . [f14 (13)] SemCor Corpus
- despotismo [despɔˈtismo̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
- ditadura [ditaˈðuɾa̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
- réxime_autoritario · [RILG] [DRAG]
- stalinismo [staliˈnismo̝] [estaliˈnismo̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
- tiranía [tiɾaˈnia̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
O mundo estoupou cando o fascismo desafiou todos os conceptos de paz e liberdade, e os indignados amantes da liberdade dos mundos capitalista e socialista combinaron forzas para acabar coa tiranía fascista en servil submisión. [e22 (27)] SemCor Corpus
- totalitarismo [totalitaˈɾismo̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
PT Variantes
- absolutismo [ɐbsulutˈiʒmu]
- autocracia [awtɔkrɐsˈiɐ]
- autoritarismo [awturitɐrˈiʒmu]
- barbaridade [bɐrbɐridˈadɨ]
- cesarismo [sɨzɐrˈiʒmu]
- despotismo [dɨʃputˈiʒmu]
- ditadura [ditɐdˈurɐ]
- iliberalidade [ilibɨrɐlidˈadɨ]
- jugo [ʒˈugu]
- militarismo [militɐrˈiʒmu]
- opressão [ɔprɨsˈɐ̃w]
- pata [pˈatɐ]
- prepotência [prɨputˈẽsjɐ]
- tirania [tirɐnˈiɐ]
- totalitarismo [tutɐlitɐrˈiʒmu]
uma forma de governo em que o governante é um ditador absoluto (não limitado por uma Constituição ou as leis ou oposição etc.)
CA Variantes
- absolutisme
- autoritarisme
- despotisme
- dictadura
- estalinisme
- monocràcia
- tirania
- totalitarisme
La mesura presa pel govern és una expressió de totalitarisme
Forma de govern on el governant és un dictador absolut, poder del qual no està restringit per la llei
EU Variantes
- absolutismo
- autoritarismo
- despotismo
- diktadura
- tirania
- totalitarismo
ES Variantes
- absolutismo
- autocracia
- autoritarismo
- despotismo
- dictadura
- estalinismo
- tiranía
- totalitarismo
La medida tomada por el gobierno es una expresión de totalitarismo
Forma de gobierno donde el gobernante es un dictador absoluto, cuyo poder no está restringido por la ley
EN Variantes
- absolutism ['æbsəˌɫuˌtɪzəm]
- authoritarianism [əˌθɔrə'tɛriəˌnɪzəm]
- Caesarism
- despotism ['dɛspəˌtɪzəm]
- dictatorship [dɪ'kteɪtɝˌʃɪp]
- monocracy
- one-man_rule
- shogunate
- Stalinism ['stæɫɪˌnɪzəm]
- totalitarianism [ˌtoʊˌtæɫə'tɛriəˌnɪzəm]
- tyranny ['tɪrəni]
DE Variantes
- Diktatur
- Gewaltherrschaft
- Shogunat
- Shōgunat
- Willkürherrschaft
LA Variantes
- dictatura
- tyrannis
IT Variantes
- autoritarismo
- cesarismo
- despotismo
- dispotismo
- dittatura
FR Variantes
- Autoritarisme
- bakufu
- despotisme
- dictature
- monocratie
- shogunat
- Stalinisme
- stalinisme
- totalitarisme
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (27) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
08361001-n: a political system governed by a single individual
08441039-n: a country that maintains repressive control over the people by means of police (especially secret police)
03139045-a: pertaining to the principle of totalitarianism
09755398-n: one who advocates absolutism
10011902-n: a ruler who is unconstrained by law
10646325-n: a follower of Stalin and Stalinism
00024073-r: negation of a word or group of words
00103664-r: continuing in the same way
00236592-v: place restrictions on
00719328-a: not limited by law
06532330-n: legal document setting forth rules governing a particular kind of activity
06533648-n: law determining the fundamental political principles of a government
08367880-n: the members of a social organization who are in power
08403787-n: a body of people united in opposing something
10011902-n: a ruler who is unconstrained by law
10541229-n: a person who rules or commands
00569318-v: counteract the effects and policies of Stalinism
00575230-a: tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition
00715586-a: opposed to authoritarianism
01303934-n: the revolution led by Fidel Castro and a small band of guerrilla fighters against a corrupt dictatorship in Cuba; 1956-1959
08170255-n: the Nazi dictatorship under Hitler (1933-1945)
08799958-n: the ancient Roman state from 509 BC until Augustus assumed power in 27 BC; was governed by an elected Senate but dissatisfaction with the Senate led to civil wars that culminated in a brief dictatorship by Julius Caesar
08959683-n: a military dictatorship in northern Africa on the Mediterranean; consists almost entirely of desert; a major exporter of petroleum
10646325-n: a follower of Stalin and Stalinism
10804732-n: a member of one or more of the insurgent groups in Turkey in the late 19th century who rebelled against the absolutism of Ottoman rule
10879551-n: Roman Emperor who succeeded Tiberius and whose uncontrolled passions resulted in manifest insanity; noted for his cruelty and tyranny; was assassinated (12-41)
10898308-n: Roman statesman regarded as a model of simple virtue; he twice was called to assume dictatorship of Rome and each time retired to his farm (519-438 BC)